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Trump loves Putin

How is Sergei Skripal connected to Russiagate?
- See also Ukrainegate
RussiaGate was a criminal conspiracy by the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign, and the Deep State to steal the US presidential elections of 2016 and prevent the Trump presidency, thus enabling the continuation of the US covert war on Syria and the preparation of a war on Russia.
Is Russia the enemy?
- Democrats Need to Unite the Country Against Russia - John Stoehr, Washington Monthly, January 31, 2018
- The Democrats should do everything they can to tie the Republicans to something most sane people would agree, even if they are hopelessly polarized, is an indisputable threat to the United States—Russia.
- I think Russia is a solution to political polarization. The Democrats should and must start using Russia as a way to break through the vicious cycle consuming the parties, Washington, and the whole country. Russia is our enemy. This is a fact. It attacked our presidential election. It continues to attack us in what is emerging as a new Cold cyberwar. In tying the Republicans to an enemy, the Democrats have the potential to break the Republicans. Do they stand with America or do they stand with Russia? The best part is that the Democrats do not have to lie, distort or otherwise misrepresent reality to make the case."
Did Russia Elect Trump?
- Main article: US presidential elections
- See also Cambridge Analytica
- Putin didn’t undermine the election. We did. - Katrina Vanden Heuvel, Washington Post, November 29, 2016
- Ignoring rot in our election laws and journalistic standards, the media points to hacking and “fake news.”
- Putin Derangement Syndrome October-November 2016 - Patrick Armstrong, December 6, 2016
- Did Russia Elect Trump? - Philip Giraldi, The American Conservative, December 12, 2016
- Deconstructing the Almighty Russian Hackers Myth - Patrick Armstrong, Strategic Culture, December 15, 2017
- Trump-Russia Isn’t About the Cover-Up. It’s About the Crime. - The Daily Beast, February 9, 2018
- Kremlin papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in White House - Luke Harding, The Guardian, July 15, 2021
- The Guardian plumbs new depths: Inside the latest wild claims from its resident ‘Russiagate’ fanatics that Putin got Trump elected - RT, July 16, 2021
What is Russiagate?
- Russiagate in 3 minutes - Corbett Report, March 29, 2019 (video)
- The Left’s great Russian conspiracy theory - Brendan O'Neill, The Spectator, March 2, 2017
- The Conflict within the Deep State Just Broke into Open Warfare - Charles Hugh Smith, March 9, 2017
- This profound split in the Deep State has now broken into open warfare. The first salvo was the absurd propaganda campaign led by Establishment mouthpieces The New York Times and The Washington Post claiming Russian agents had "hacked" the U.S. election to favor Trump.
- This fact-free propaganda campaign failed--having no evidence didn't work quite as well as the NYT and Wapo expected-- and so the propaganda machine launched the second salvo, accusing Trump of being a Russian patsy.
- A Poisonous Giant Russian Squid Ate Trump's Brain! - Anatol Lieven, Valdai Club, April 7, 2017
- The political and social roots of the Democratic Party’s anti-Russia hysteria - Andre Damon, WSWS, May 13, 2017
- The Big Fat Compendium Of Russiagate Debunkery - Caitlin Johnstone, June 5, 2017 (Part 1, 2, 3)
- Did Hillary Scapegoat Russia to Save Her Campaign? - Mike Whitney, Counterpunch, August 1, 2017
- The De-Putin-Nazification of America - CJ Hopkins, Counterpunch, August 11, 2017
- The Global Russo-Nazi Axis Has Reared Its Ugly Head - CJ Hopkins, Russia Insider, September 27, 2017
- RussiaGate: Soft Power Suicide of a Superpower - Andrew Korybko, Sputnik, November 1, 2017
- Russiagate Explained - Caitlin Johnstone, November 26, 2017
- The Year of the Headless Liberal Chicken - C.J. Hopkins, Unz Review, December 8, 2017
- Russia-gate’s Litany of Corrections - Robert Parry, December 11, 2017
- What Happens When A Russiagate Skeptic Debates A Professional Russiagater - Caitlin Johnstone, December 26, 2017
- Russiagate Is Devolving Into an Effort to Stigmatize Dissent - James Carden, The Nation, December 28, 2017
- What We Don’t Talk about When We Talk about Russian Hacking - Jackson Lears, LRB, January 4, 2018
- The Russiagate Stakes Are Extreme - Paul Craig Roberts, January 25, 2018
- New Book: McCabe Initiated White House Meeting That Led To Leak - Mollie Hemingway, The Federalist, January 29, 2018
- Is John Brennan the Mastermind Behind Russiagate? - Mike Whitney, UNZ Review, February 13, 2018
- The New Blacklist - Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone, March 5, 2018
- Russiagate may have been aimed at Trump to start, but it's become a way of targeting all dissent
- For your eyes only: A short history of Democrat-spy collusion - Roger Kimball, Spectator USA, May 25, 2018
- (The Dummies Guide to The Russia Collusion Hoax: Who, What, Where, When & Why)
- Obama’s spying scandal is starting to look a lot like Watergate - Michael Barone, New York Post, May 27, 2018
- The Utility of the RussiaGate Conspiracy - Alan MacLeod, FAIR, July 27, 2018
- The Trump-Russia Scam - How Obama Enabled The FBI To Spy On Trump - Moon of Alabama, January 13, 2019
- ‘Russiagate’ has little to do with Russia. It’s a tool to destroy anti-war resistance - John McEvoy, The Canary, February 4, 2019
- Russiagate: A Conspiracy Theory, James Corbett, March 29, 2019
- How Brzezinski's Chessboard Degenerated Into Brennan's Russophobia - Mike Whitney, Unz Review, April 3, 2019
- Try to imagine for a minute, that the hacking claims were not part of a sinister plan by Vladimir Putin “to sow discord and division” in the United States, but were conjured up to create an external threat that would justify an aggressive response from Washington. That’s what Russiagate is really all about.
- Giuliani: Assange could reveal Ukraine was behind Russia collusion 'plot' - "Washington Examiner", April 3, 2019
- Russiagate: A coming of age moment for Soviet immigrants - Yasha Levine, May 23, 2019
Is there a 'Deep State'?
- OLEG DERIPASKA OP-ED: The Ever-Changing ‘Russia Narrative’ Is False Public Manipulation - Daily Caller, March 5, 2018
DNC Leak
- Main article: DNC Leak
- See Seth Rich and Guccifer 2.0
Putin personally...
- U.S. Officials: Putin Personally Involved in U.S. Election Hack - NBC News, December 15, 2016
- Two senior officials with direct access to the information say new intelligence shows that Putin personally directed how hacked material from Democrats was leaked and otherwise used. The intelligence came from diplomatic sources and spies working for U.S. allies, the officials said.
- Putin's objectives were multifaceted, a high-level intelligence source told NBC News. What began as a "vendetta" against Hillary Clinton morphed into an effort to show corruption in American politics and to "split off key American allies by creating the image that [other countries] couldn't depend on the U.S. to be a credible global leader anymore," the official said.
- Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault - Washington Post, June 23, 2017 (archive, video, audio)
- Inside was an intelligence bombshell, a report drawn from sourcing deep inside the Russian government that detailed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s direct involvement in a cyber campaign to disrupt and discredit the U.S. presidential race. But it went further. The intelligence captured Putin’s specific instructions on the operation’s audacious objectives — defeat or at least damage the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, and help elect her opponent, Donald Trump.
Steele dossier

Christopher Steele of Orbis
- Main article Steele dossier, see also Christopher Steele
Mueller Investigation
- How the Trump Dossier and the Syrian Crisis caused Russiagate - Alexander Mercouris, The Duran, July 24, 2014
- Mueller Investigation: Politics, Not Law Enforcement or Counterintelligence - Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review, December 2, 2017
- FBI’s McCabe stonewalls on Trump Dossier - Alexander Mercouris, The Duran, December 21, 2017
- Dirty Cops Mueller and Comey Held Secret Meeting Before Comey Testified to Congress – For This Alone Mueller Should Resign! - Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, December 28, 2017
- NYT Writes Epic Cover For Comey's FBI - Its Sole Source: "Officials Said" - Moon of Alabama, January 1, 2018
- Does This Man Know More Than Robert Mueller? (Glenn Greenwald’s war on the Russia investigation) - Simon van Zuylen-Wood, New York, January 21, 2018
- 'Mueller Wants To Flood Russian Collusion Case With 2 Terabytes Of Russian Social Media Content Without Translation ' (as per source) -Daily Caller, 16 May, 2018
No collusion found
'An attempted coup'
- Trump says he was the target of ‘an attempted coup’ with Mueller investigation - Washington Post, April 10, 2019
- Donald Trump calls Robert Mueller's probe an 'attempted coup' - New York Post, April 10, 2019
- Trump says Mueller investigation was "illegal" and "an attempted coup" - CBS News, April 10, 2019
- Trump blasts Mueller investigation as 'attempted coup' - NBC News, April 10, 2019
- Trump calls Mueller probe an 'attempted coup' - POLITICO, April 10, 2019
- Trump Calls Initial Probe of 2016 Campaign 'Attempted Coup' - Voice of America, April 10, 2019
- Trump on Mueller Probe: 'This Was an Attempted Coup' - Daily Beast, April 10, 2019
- Trump says he was the target of 'an attempted coup' - The Union Leader, April 10, 2019
- We beat the attempted coup: Trump on Mueller probe- Economic Times, April 10, 2019
- Trump urges inquiry into 'attempted coup' against him - BBC News, April 10, 2019
- The Attempted Coup Against Trump - Jasper Fakkert, The Epoch Times, April 10, 2019
The report
- Read the Robert Mueller report - Fox News
- Byron York: Mueller, Trump, & "Two Years Of Bullshit" - Byron York, The Washington Examiner, April 18, 2019
- Mueller was supposed to be the Democrats' savior, but now they’re out for blood - Danielle Ryan, RT, April 18, 2019
- An Empire of Bullshit - James Howard Kunstler,, April 19, 2019
- Why Didn’t Mueller Investigate Seth Rich? - Daniel Lazare, Consortium News, June 12, 2019
Blame Russia!
- How Barr and Trump Use a Russian Disinformation Tactic - Asha Rangappa (Opinion), The New York Times, April 19, 2019
- Jim Jordan Rips Into Democrats For Holding Bill Barr In Contempt - The Daily Caller, May 8, 2019 (+video) ...more
- The Real Muellergate Scandal - Craig Murray, May 9, 2019
- New York Times chief outlines coverage shift: From Trump-Russia to Trump racism - Byron York, Washington Examiner, August 15, 2019
- How Mueller deputy Andrew Weissmann's offer to an oligarch could boomerang on DOJ -John Solomon, The Hill, July 22, 2019
- Commentary by Rudy Giuliani, at about 8:00 here, + other relevant comments, Giuliani + Sekulow, Twitter, July 24, 2019
Mueller testifies
- The rise and fall of superhero Robert Mueller - Matt Taibbi, August 1, 2019
- Mueller on the stand was a potted plant. Reporters saw Moses and Jesus. If you need evidence we’re in a religious mania, look no further. This was a pure exercise in restoring an idol for worship.
Judicial Watch
- Rosenstein documents, published by Judicial Watch on October 2, 2019, including email exchange with Mueller, p. 57/147, May 12, 2017
- Rod Rosenstein to Robert S. Mueller III "the boss and his staff do not know about our discussions."
Prosecute Mueller!
- House Republicans considering criminal referrals against Mueller prosecutors - John Solomon, Just the News, February 24, 2020
Exposing the conspiracy behind the Russiagate hoax

FBI informant Felix Sater wants Trump to meet Putin in 2015
- Shades of the Cold War: How the DNC fabricated a Russian hacker conspiracy to deflect blame for its email scandal - Patrick Lawrence, Salon, July 26, 2016
- Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia? - Slate, October 31, 2016 (archive)
- EXCLUSIVE: FBI ‘Granted FISA Warrant’ Covering Trump Camp’s Ties To Russia - Louise Mensch, Heat Street, November 7, 2016 (original)
- The Quasi-Legal Coup-Hillary Clinton Information Operations In Election 2016 - George Eliason, WashingtonsBlog, November 7, 2016
- Eliason sees the election campaign for Hillary as an extension of the ongoing cyberwar operation against Russia.
- Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire - Politico, January 11, 2017
- Indict Clinton For the Russian DNC Hack - George Eliason, Washington's Blog, January 16, 2017
- EXCLUSIVE: White House Fingers John McCain As Media Leak; Believes U.S. Senator Eavesdropped on Trump’s Classified Phone - True Pundit, February 21, 2017
- Are We Witnessing a Coup Operation Against the Trump White House? - Patrick Lawrence, The Nation, February 22, 2017
- Trump wiretap is the REAL scandal of the US election, bogus Russia story is the real cover-up - Alexander Mercouris, The Duran, March 4, 2017
- EXCLUSIVE: FBI’s Own Political Terror Plot; Deputy Director and FBI Brass Secretly Conspired to Wage Coup Against Flynn & Trump - True Pundit, March 14, 2017
- Confirmed: John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump - George Neumay, Spectator, April 19, 2017
- Statement: NSA Stops Certain Section 702 "Upstream" Activities - NSA.Gov, April 28, 2017
- Watergate Redux or ‘Deep State’ Coup? - Robert Parry, May 10, 2017
- On Watch: Episode 16 - Obama NSA used for domestic political intelligence & violated Constitution - Judicial Watch, May 25, 2017 (+ Top Secret FISA Court Order)
- Throwing a Curveball at ‘Intelligence Community Consensus’ on Russia - Scott Ritter, The American Conservative, July 12, 2017
- Declassified Memos Show Obama's NSA Spied On Americans Way More Than You Thought - ZeroHedge, July 26, 2017
- The Democratic Money Behind Russia-gate - Joe Lauria, Consortium News, October 29, 2017
- The two sources that originated the allegations claiming that Russia meddled in the 2016 election — without providing convincing evidence — were both paid for by the Democratic National Committee, and in one instance also by the Clinton campaign: the Steele dossier and the CrowdStrike analysis of the DNC servers.
- Lifting the Steele Curtain - Kimberley A. Strassel, Wall Street Journal, November 9, 2017 (mirrored on without paywall)
- The Fusion GPS dossier was one of the dirtiest political tricks in U.S. history.
- Ex-Spy Chief: Russia’s Election Hacking Was An ‘Intelligence Failure’ - Susan Glasser, Politico, December 11, 2017
- Why Glenn Greenwald Deserves a Pulitzer Prize - Lee Smith, Tablet, December 11, 2017
- The Foundering Russia-gate ‘Scandal’, Robert Parry, Consortium News, December 13, 2017
- Fake News, Sedition and Public Apathy, Publius Tacitus, Sic Temper Tyrannis, December 14, 2017
- Let’s Take a Stroll – Letter of Notice From Trump Transition To Congress Outlining Illegal Search and Seizure by Special Counsel Robert Mueller…. - The Conservative Treehouse, December 17, 2017
- In essence, the Clinton’s created the Russian “angle” out of thin air; and the FBI and DOJ used that creation as the legal underpinning for the counterintelligence operation. The cointel op was always just a ruse for wiretapping, surveillance and monitoring of Donald Trump campaign officials.
- The RussiaGate Witch-Hunt - The Deep State's 'Insurance Policy' - David Stockman, Ron Paul Institute, December 18, 2017
- The inner circle of the Obama Administration plotted an "insurance policy". They saw it coming -- that is, an offensive rogue disrupter who was soft on Russia, to boot -- and out of that alarm the entire hoax of RussiaGate was born. As is now well known from the recent dump of 375 Strzok/Gates text messages, there occurred on August 15, 2016 a meeting in the office of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to kick off the RussiaGate campaign.
- Did President Obama Read the ‘Steele Dossier’ in the White House Last August? - Lee Smith, Tablet, December 20, 2017
- Oh Dear – Trail of Russian Dossier Origination Now Directly Leads to The Obama White House…. - The Conservative Treehouse, December 21, 2017
- A TIMELINE OF TREASON: How the DNC and FBI Leadership Tried to Fix a Presidential Election - Doug Ross, December 21, 2017
- How Obama manipulated sensitive secret intelligence for political gain - The Washington Times, December 21, 2017
- The Shape of a Plot is Emerging, 1951 - The Still Report, December 22, 2017 (video)
- Was the Steele Dossier the FBI’s ‘Insurance Policy’? - Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review, December 23, 2017
- Deep State Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe to Retire Early - Cristina Laila, Gateway Pundit, December 23, 2017 (quotes WaPo, Fox News)
- Investigating the Investigators at DOJ and FBI - Sharyl Attkisson, December 25, 2017
- Analysis: The quiet probe into Clinton email investigation could be a landmine for Robert Mueller - Kevin Johnson, USA Today, December 26, 2017
- Trump Slams "Crooked Hillary Pile Of Garbage"-Funded "Bogus" Dossier - ZeroHedge, December 26, 2017
- McCain Associate Subpoenaed Over Trump Dossier - ZeroHedge, December 27, 2017 (+ more spin by The Duran)
- Crisis for Mueller: Lindsey Graham calls for new Special Counsel to investigate Trump Dossier and FBI - Alexander Mercouris, The Duran, December 31, 2017
- The Russian Collusion Narrative Was, As FBI Agent Peter Strzok Explained: “An Insurance Policy” - The Conservative Treehouse, January 1, 2018
- DOJ deal gives Nunes access to 'all' documents, witnesses sought in Russia probe, letter says - Catherine Herridge, Fox News, January 4, 2018
- Comey’s original Clinton memo released, cites possible violations - The Hill, January 4, 2018
- Walls Close In Around DOJ and FBI “Small Group” Participants - The Conservative Treehouse, January 5, 2018
- Republican Senators Raise Possible Charges Against Author of Trump Dossier - The New York Times, January 5, 2018
- Operation Condor – How NSA Director Mike Rogers Saved The U.S. From a Massive Constitutional Crisis - The Conservative Treehouse, January 5, 2018
- Upcoming OIG Report Likely To Trigger Second Special Counsel; Comey, Lynch And Clinton In Crosshairs - ZeroHedge, January 7, 2018
- The FBI Hand Behind Russia-gate - January 11, 2018, Consortiumnews, Ray McGovern
- The DOJ and FBI Worked With Fusion GPS on “Operation Trump” - The Conservative Treehouse, January 11, 2018
- CREEPS ON A MISSION: Michael Horowitz is Really Investigating the Investigators - (Sidney Powell?),, January 12, 2018
- Russsia-Gate Implodes - Justin Raimondo,, January 22, 2018
- February 2, 2018: FISA abuse memo released.
- Major Criminal Conspiracy Behind #RussiaGate, Google, FusionGPS, DNC, Perkins Coie, Revealed - Bethany Blankley, The Hayride, February 3, 2018
- The FISA Court ‘Title-One’ Application, Re-authorizations, and The “Clinton-Steele Dossier” - The Conservative Treehouse, February 7, 2018
- The Real Collusion Story - Michael Doran, National Review, March 13, 2018
- All Russiagate Roads Lead To London As Evidence Emerges Of Joseph Mifsud’s Links To UK Intelligence - Elizabeth Vos, Disobedient Media, April 4, 2018
- This new evidence culminates in the ground-breaking conclusion that the UK and its intelligence apparatus may be responsible for the invention of key pillars of the Trump-Russia scandal. If true, this would essentially turn the entire RussiaGate debacle on its head.
- Criminal Referral Issued For Comey, Clinton, Lynch And McCabe; Rosenstein Recusal Demanded - ZeroHedge, April 18, 2018
- On the Criminal Referral of Comey, Clinton et al: Will the Constitution Hold and the Media Continue to Suppress the Story? - Ray McGovern, Consortiumnews, April 19, 2018
- The Corruption and Deceit of the FBI by Publius Tacitus - Sic Semper Tyrannis, April 24, 2018
- WSJ: The FBI Hid A Mole In The Trump Campaign - ZeroHedge, May 10, 2018
- Brennan, Strzok And Kerry Allegedly Set "Spy Traps" For Trump Team; Hunt For FBI Mole Intensifies - ZeroHedge, May 11, 2018
- Can We Call It a Coup Now? - Mike Whitney, Unz Review, May 20, 2018
- Framing the Trump Campaign as Lackeys of Russia by Publius Tacitus - Sic Semper Tyrannis, May 21, 2018
- John Brennan's Plot To Infiltrate The Trump Campaign Exposed - George Neumayr, The Spectator, May 22, 2018
- As Trump won primary after primary in 2016, a rattled John Brennan started claiming to colleagues at the CIA that Estonia’s intelligence agency had alerted him to an intercepted phone call suggesting Putin was pouring money into the Trump campaign. The tip was bogus, but Brennan bit on it with opportunistic relish.
- 8 signs pointing to a counterintelligence operation deployed against Trump's campaign - Sharyl Attkisson, The Hill, May 23, 2018
- Code name: The operation reportedly had at least one code name that was leaked to The New York Times: “Crossfire Hurricane.”
- How The Code Name ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ Undermines The FBI’s Russia Story - Lee Smith, The Federalist, May 25, 2018
- “SpyGate”, The Inspector General, and the Expanded FISA Investigation - The Conservative Treehouse, May 26, 2018
- UK Academic Called a Russian Spy Appears to Be British Agent Instead - Sputnik, May 30, 2018
- London ‘bridges’ falling down: Curious origins of FBI’s Trump-Russia probe - The Hill, July 1, 2018
- Rep. Trey Gowdy questions FBI's Peter Strzok in fierce grilling - CBS News, July 12, 2018
- The bridge to the Russia investigation wasn’t erected in Moscow during the summer of the 2016 election. It originated earlier, 1,700 miles away in London, where foreign figures contacted Trump campaign advisers and provided the FBI with hearsay allegations of Trump-Russia collusion, bureau documents and interviews of government insiders reveal. These contacts in spring 2016 — some from trusted intelligence sources, others from Hillary Clinton supporters — occurred well before FBI headquarters authorized an official counterintelligence investigation on July 31, 2016.
- Trump Strikes Back at ‘Ringleader’ Brennan - Ray McGovern, Consortiumnews, August 15, 2018
- “I’m going to tell you who orchestrated, who was the quarterback for all this … The guy running it is Brennan, and he should be in front of a grand jury. Brennan took … a dossier that, unless he’s the biggest idiot intelligence agent that ever lived … it’s false; you can look at it and laugh at it. And he peddled it to [then Senate Majority Leader] Harry Reid, and that led to the request for the investigation. So you take a false dossier, get Senators involved, and you get a couple of Republican Senators, and they demand an investigation — a totally phony investigation.”
- "Leaking Like Mad": FBI-DOJ-MSM Collusion Went Far Deeper Than Previously Known - ZeroHedge, September 12, 2018
- Collusion bombshell: DNC lawyers met with FBI on Russia allegations before surveillance warrant - John Solomon, The Hill, October 3, 2018
- RUSSIAGATE – Joseph Mifsud and George Papadopoulos – Some interesting developements! - Liane Theuer, October 15, 2018
- Mueller report PSA: Prepare for disappointment - Politico, October 19, 2018
- FBI Admits It Used Multiple Spies To Infiltrate Trump Campaign - ZeroHedge, October 20, 2018
- Dan Bongino | Obama, Mueller and the Biggest Scam in American History - PoliticalInsights, November 24, 2018 (video)
- Death Of Russiagate: Mueller Team Tied To Mifsud’s Network - Elizabeth Vos, Disobedient Media, January 21, 2019
- Nellie Ohr admits Ukrainian Member of Parliament was Fusion GPS source - Jack Posobiec on Twitter, February 8, 2019; see also Nellie Ohr: Ukrainian lawmaker was Fusion GPS source -The Daily Caller, February 6, 2019
- Sergey Leshenko, Alexandra Chalupa also appeared in an earlier story on efforts to undermine Manafort -Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire - Politico, January 11, 2017
- Earlier Bruce Ohr testimony. What Bruce Ohr Told the FBI -WSJ, January 17, 2017. Everybody knew. Everybody of consequence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Justice Department understood fully in the middle of 2016—as the FBI embarked on its counterintelligence probe of Donald Trump—that it was doing so based on disinformation provided by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. That’s the big revelation from the transcript of the testimony Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave Congress in August. (Under paywall, more bits on zerohedge).
- Reconciling ‘Spygate’ With The ‘Soft Coup’ – Five Phases That Explain The Behavior - The Conservative Treehouse, February 23, 2019
- As Russia collusion fades, Ukrainian plot to help Clinton emerges - John Solomon, The Hill, March 20, 2019
- House Intel Readies Criminal Referrals For Clinton Operatives Who "Perpetuated This Hoax" - ZeroHedge, March 24, 2019
- Time for Clapper to Go Under Oath by Larry Johnson - Sic Semper Tyrannis, March 29, 2019 (more)
- The conspiracy against Donald Trump, in my opinion, originated with British intelligence and persons connected with the Clinton Campaign. The provocation/dangle of George Papodopolous was the result of electronic intercepts by GCHQ targeting people working on the Trump campaign. The collection effort generated hundreds of highly classified "SIGINT" messages that were disseminated in the U.S. intelligence community.
- The Russian collusion hoax meets unbelievable end - Devin Nunes, Washington Examiner, April 05, 2019
- AG Bill Barr: "Spying On A Political Campaign Is A Big Deal" - (text/video), April 10, 2019
- I think spying did occur, yes. I think spying did occur.
- How the Cohen-Prague Story Helped Expose the Collusion Hoax - Adam Mill American Greatness, April 16, 2019
- 2015 Email to John Podesta Reveals Plot to “Slaughter Trump” by Linking Him to Putin and Russia - Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit, April 22, 2019 (+ video)
- Hannity’ Exclusive: Trump says tables have turned in Russia probe - Fox News, April 25, 2019 (video @44:42)
- List of Documents for Declassification and Public Release… - The Conservative Treehouse, April 28, 2019
- Chronology of #RussiaGate - Svetlana Lokhova,, May 1, 2019
- About Svetlana Lokhova, falsely accused of 'recruiting Flynn': A Russian honeytrap for Gen Flynn? Not me - BBC, May 12, 2017
- F.B.I. Sent Investigator Posing as Assistant to Meet With Trump Aide in 2016 - The New York Times, May 2, 2019 (archive)
- Nellie Ohr Criminal Referral Being 'Finalized' According To Jim Jordan - ZeroHedge, May 2, 2019
- Ukrainian embassy confirms DNC contractor solicited Trump dirt in 2016 - The Hill, May 2, 2019
- Big Puzzle Pieces Connecting – The CIA, FBI, and 2016 Political Surveillance is Merging - The Conservative Treehouse, May 2, 2019
- Barr’s Review of FBI ‘Spying’ on Trump Campaign Has Wide Reach - Bloomberg, May 3, 2019
- John Solomon: FBI Played ‘Political Dirty Trick’ on Donald Trump over Alleged Russia Collusion - Judicial Watch, May 6, 2019 (video)
- How Did Russiagate Begin? - Stephen F. Cohen, The Nation, May 30, 2019
- Spies Are the New Journalists - Lee Smith, Tablet Magazine, June 4, 2019
- More Russiagate unraveling? Ex-CEO says FBI instructed him to have relationship with Maria Butina - RT, August 23, 2019
- John Durham broadens scope of Russia origins inquiry into events in 2017 - Washington Examiner, October 08, 2019
- Exclusive Sit-Down With The Daily Caller: Rudy Giuliani Opens Up About Impeachment, Ukraine, Biden And Trump - Daily Caller, October 9, 2019 (video)
- FBI/DOJ Likely to Throw the CIA and Clapper Under the Bus - Larry C Johnson, Sic Semper Tyrannis, October 20, 2019
- Six of the eight cases or incidents of alleged Trump Campaign interaction with the Russians investigated by the Mueller team, the pitch to "collude" with the Russian Government or Putin originated with FBI informants, MI-6 assets or people paid by Fusion GPS, not Trump or his people.
- Justice Dept. Is Said to Open Criminal Inquiry Into Its Own Russia Investigation - The New York Times, October 24, 2029 (archive)
- Bombshell Court Filing Shows Michael Flynn FBI Interview Transcript Edited to Incriminate Him - Kit Klarenberg, Sputnik, October 25, 2019
- Stunning, Potentially Game-Changing, Court Filing by Flynn Defense Lawyer Sidney Powell - The Conservative Treehouse, October 25, 2019
- FISA Virus Maria Butina Released from Federal Prison for Immediate Deportation - The Conservative Treehouse, October 25, 2019 (also interview)
- From the operational description of Mr. Patrick Byrne it would appear Ms. Butina was used by the FBI to “dirty-up” political targets, opening them up for surveillance.
- All The Russia Collusion Clues Are Beginning To Point Back To John Brennan - Margot Cleveland. The Federalist, October 25, 2019 (with illustrations)
- Exposing John Brennan's Secret CIA Trump Task Force? - Larry C Johnson, Sic Semper Tyrannis, October 26, 2019
- The Failed FBI Plot to Paint Trump Doing Deals with Putin - Larry C Johnson, Sic Semper Tyrannis, October 30, 2019 (mirror)
- Growing Indicators of Brennan's CIA Trump Task Force - Larry C Johnson, Sic Semper Tyrannis, November, 2019
- There has been some informed speculation that Guccifer 2.0 was a creation of this Task Force.
- In light of what we have learned about the alleged CIA whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, there should be a serious investigation to determine if he was a part of this Task Force or, at minimum, reporting to them.
- ‘It’s like nothing we have come across before’: UK intelligence officials shaken by Trump administration’s requests for help with counter-impeachment inquiry - The Independent, November 1, 2019
- One British official with knowledge of Barr’s wish list presented to London commented that “it is like nothing we have come across before, they are basically asking, in quite robust terms, for help in doing a hatchet job on their own intelligence services”.
- Devin Nunes Discusses Origin of Protodossiers and Media Assistance for DOJ/FBI “Spygate” Effort - 'The Conservative Treehouse November 2, 2019 (video)
- CIA, FBI Informant Was Washington Post Source For Russiagate Smears - Margot Cleveland, The Federalist, November 4, 2019
- Curiouser and Curiouser - The Conservative Treehouse, November 6, 2019
- The Mueller report was dependent on Russia cybercrimes, and that narrative is contingent on the Russia DNC hack story which Julian Assange disputes.
- This is critical. The Weissmann/Mueller report contains claims that Russia hacked the DNC servers as the central element to the Russia interference narrative in the U.S. election. This claim is directly disputed by WikiLeaks and Julian Assange, as outlined during the Dana Rohrabacher interview, and by Julian Assange on-the-record statements.
- The predicate for Robert Mueller’s investigation was specifically due to Russian interference in the 2016 election. The fulcrum for this Russia interference claim is the intelligence community assessment; and the only factual evidence claimed within the ICA is that Russia hacked the DNC servers; a claim only made possible by relying on forensic computer analysis from Crowdstrike, a DNC contractor.
- The Steele Dossier Was False and the FBI Knew - Percy Blakeney, Granite Grok, April 12, 2020
- ‘Get him to lie so we can prosecute him’: New docs reveal FBI plan to set up General Flynn in perjury trap - April 29, 2020
- The NY Times Used to Correct Its Whoppers. But Not These Two. Here's Why. - Tom Kuntz, RealClearInvestigations, April 29, 2020
- FBI notes confirm coup against President Trump - The Duran, May 1, 2020 (video)
- Obama meeting could be behind corrupt Michael Flynn probe - Mollie Hemingway, New York Post, May 10, 2020
- It looks like President Obama ordered up phony RussiaGate scandal - New York Post, May 11, 2020
- Unmasking The Unmaskers: Biden, Brennan, Clapper, & Powers Named In DNI Just-Released List - ZeroHedge, May 13, 2020
- "Biden and former CIA and FBI heads request data on Trump's national security asviser" - TASS, May 13, 2020
- In the declassified document signed by Grenell and the head of the National Security Agency (NSA), General Paul Nakasone, it was noted that Flynn's requests were sent to this special service from November 8, 2016 to January 31, 2017. In particular, former US Permanent Representative to the United Nations Samantha Power has appealed seven times, former National Intelligence Director James Klapper - three times, Brennan made a request twice. Komi, Biden, former White House staff chief Denis McDonough, and ex-ambassador to Moscow John Tefft were asked to provide data once.
- Leaked version of the document appeared on social media 1,2; MSM media reports on the release but does not provide the document or details at this time.
- Does Trump know his own government indirectly bankrolls some key promoters of the ‘Russiagate’ hoax? - Bryan MacDonald, RT, May 13, 2020
- The Spies Who Hijacked America - Steven P. Schrage, Reporting by Matt Taibbi, August 9, 2020
- Our Man in Cambridge - Matt Taibbi, August 9, 2020 (paywall)
- Whistleblower Steven Schrage reveals what America should have known all along – Russiagate was both crime and farce
- Spy chief releases docs on claim Hillary Clinton cooked up Russia scandal - New York Post, October 6, 2020
- 'Trump-Russia' Hoax: Clinton, US Intel Agents Have Much to Explain in Coming Weeks, Analyst Says - Sputnik, October 7, 2020
- Steele’s declassified FBI interview: Playing up fake sources and juggling spying jobs - Kit Klarenberg, RT, January 21, 2021
- Master List Of Official Russia Claims That Proved To Be Bogus - Matt Taibbi, March 30, 2021
- US Grand Jury Indicts Clinton-Linked Attorney for Making False Statements to the FBI - Sputnik, September 16, 2021
- The indictment... accuses Sussman of lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about the capacity in which he was providing allegations of cyber links between Russia's Alfa Bank and former US President Donald Trump's Trump Organization. ... Sussman testified to congressional investigators in December 2017 that he met with the FBI on behalf of a prominent cybersecurity researcher.
- With Clinton Lawyer Charged, Russiagate Scam Now Under Indictment - Aaron Maté, Consortium News, September 21, 2021 (indictment)
- Biden's National Security Adviser May Be Guilty of Perjury Over Clinton Campaign's Russiagate Plot - Sputnik, September 26, 2021
- Indicted Clinton lawyer hired CrowdStrike, firm behind dubious Russian hacking claim - Aaron Maté, October 19, 2021
- CrowdStrike one of Russiagate’s ‘biggest culprits’: ex-House investigator - Aaron Maté, The Grayzone, October 30, 2021
- Authorities Arrest Analyst Who Contributed to Steele Dossier - The New York Times, November 4, 2021 (archive)
- Russian Analyst Who Contributed to Infamous Steele Dossier Charged With Lying to FBI - Sputnik, November 4, 2021
- Russiagate's Steele Dossier - Paid For By Clinton - Had Clinton Operative As Key Source - Moon of Alabama, November 4, 2021
- Indictment of Danchenko points to sinister Russiagate plot (Premiere) - The Duran, November 5, 2021 (video)
- Russiagate has no rock bottom - Aaron Maté, November 7, 2021
- What did the FBI have on Danchenko? - Techno Fog, November 7, 2021
- Danchenko Indictment: How Dossier Non-Source Sergei Millian Was Framed - Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations, November 10, 2021 (+Duran)
- Disintegration of Russiagate - Daniel Lazare, Weekly Worker, November 18, 2021
- Five Trump-Russia 'Collusion' Corrections We Need From the Media Now -- Just for Starters - Aaron Maté RealClearInvestigations, November 24, 2021
- It's official: Durham is investigating the Clinton Campaign. - Techno Fog, December 20, 2021
- What Did Clinton Know and When Did She Know It? The Russiagate Evidence Builds - Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations, January 27, 2022
- Durham: Clinton allies spied on the Executive Office of the President - Techno Fog, February 12, 2022
- And - will we see a Rodney Joffe indictment?
- Tucker: Trump was right about this - Fox News, February 15, 2022 (video)
- Durham Probe Shows 'Power Elite' Stoked New Cold War With Russia, Tulsi Gabbard Says - Sputnik, February 15, 2022
- Hillary Clinton's Russiagate led to today's conflict with Russia - The Duran, May 25, 2022
- FBI Sought Documents Trump Hoarded for Years, Including about Russiagate - William M. Arkin, Newsweek, August 17, 2022
- Newsweek Sources Claim FBI Raid Was Cover for DOJ to Retrieve Russiagate Evidence Held by Donald Trump - Sundance, The Conservative Treehouse, August 17, 2022
- On The Media Of 'Russiagate' And Related Fake Stories - Moon of Alabama, February 2, 2023
- The Trump Campaign’s Collusion With Israel - James Bamford, The Nation, March 23, 2023
- Israeli Agents, Not Russian Bears, 'Hacked' The 2016 Elections For Trump - Moon of Alabama, March 25, 2023
- Confirmation: Alfa Bank Researchers Worked on DNC Hack - FOIA Around And Find Out, September 11, 2023
- Forget Collusion. Was "Interference" Also Fake News? - Matt Taibbi, UndeadFOIA, Racket News, September 26, 2023
- Open records investigations suggest the same academic researchers responsible for the infamous Alfa Server hoax were likely also the government's initial source that Russia did the "DNC Hack":
- CIA Had Foreign Allies Spy On Trump Team, Triggering Russia Collusion Hoax, Sources Say - Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, Alex Gutentag, February 13, 2024
- CIA and foreign intelligence agencies illegally targeted 26 Trump associates before 2016 Russia collusion claims: report - New York Post, February 13, 2024
- The US intelligence community had “identified” the 26 Trump associates “as people to ‘bump,’ or make contact with or manipulate,” one source told the outlet. In spy-speak, “bumping” is when a reason is manufactured to meet with a target of interest in order to develop a relationship that could lead to intelligence.
- Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters intelligence apparatus, or GCHQ, was making contacts with Trump’s associates as early as March 2016, according to the report.
- The spy war: How the CIA secretly helps Ukraine fight Putin - New York Times, February 25, 2024 (archive, summary)
- Russiagate; Hillary considered predictable. Brennan "Cooked The Intelligence" - The Duran, March 11, 2024 (video)
- Whistleblower: James Comey had FBI ‘honey pot’ spies infiltrate Trump’s 2016 campaign - Kerry Picket - The Washington Times - October 29, 2024
DNC lawsuite
- Democratic Party files suit alleging conspiracy by Trump campaign, Russia, WikiLeaks to sway 2016 election - Fox News, April 20, 2018
Special report of the Russian Foreign Ministry, April 2019
- The Russiagate Hysteria: a Case of Severe Russophobia - Special report of the Russian Foreign Ministry, April 18, 2019 (Facebook, PDF, local copy
- Addresses for the most part various false media reporting. Does not discuss details of the redacted full Muller report (released at about the same time), but discusses same main claims in the end.
- US attorney recommends proceeding with charges against McCabe, as DOJ rejects last-ditch appeal - Fox News, September 12, 2019
- U.S. Attorney Jessie Liu has recommended moving forward with charges against CNN contributor (sic.) Andrew McCabe. McCabe -- the former deputy and acting director of the FBI ...(etc).