Ukrainian Orthodox Church

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The Pechersk Lavra in Kiev
Heads of Constantinople Patriarchate (Bartholomew (Arhondonis)), Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Kiev Patriarchate (Filaret (Denysenko)), Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (Makariy (Maletych)), Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Moscow Patriarchate (Onufriy (Berezovsky)), Russian Orthodox Church (Kirill (Gundyaev))
  • There are three Christian Orthodox churches in Ukraine: the one of Moscow patriarchate-the only one officially recognized by the worldwide Christian Orthodox community; of Kiev patriarchate (recently promised autocephaly by patriarch of Constantinople, who sent his Western-based envoys to Kiev; his announcement led to schism with Moscow patriarchate); there is also the so-called Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, the smallest of the three.
  • Presently, out of 250 mln. Christian Orthodox Church followers, 150 mln. (60 %) belong to the Russian Orthodox Church (=Moscow Patriarchate).
  • For recent developments, see also: Ukrainian orthodox churches of Kiev/Moscow patriarchates








St. George strikes Byzantium's double-headed eagle on a new fresco in a church of Kiev patriarchate. Also featuring Azov's Wolfsangel, Right Sector banners, Kalashnikov gun, and Ukrainian 'cyborg' soldiers consumed by fire



October 2018. War-in-Donbass-set film Донецкая Вратарница ([Mother/Ms.] Donetsk Gatekeeper; Вратарница -Panagia Portaitissa- is also a particular icon, in one of the two versions) won the grand-prix at St Vladimir film festival in Sevastopol (trailer)(director VK page), (ANNA News coverage). According to the director, the film presently is not available (for free or otherwise) for online viewing, and is shown on film festivals and via invited private viewings.