File talk:Al-Bayda male victims.jpg

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Whatever it is, I can't see the need to host it here. Can we keep in mind that Gore for Gore's sake isn't what we are trying to do here? Thanks. --CE (talk) 00:54, 29 August 2013 (UTC)

I'm on both sides here. Ideally, I could see this site ... nah, even ideally, we'd gather and organize all relevant info in hosted files and links to other hostings, which will in time falter, so... . There's the balance of gore to value, and need for our readers to see it for themselves right there on the page. I agree with CE so far; I never saw enough value or clarity here to warrant displaying that, or some other photos. We do have some worse already, true. And for my part it's no big deal either way. I do know having the gory images that come up in image searches does get you traffic, for whatever reason. But good maps and graphics also do. So, make me see the value and you'll have two votes for keeping this. --Caustic Logic (talk) 09:27, 29 August 2013 (UTC)

It isn't a big deal and I have no problem with keeping it, was just a reminder to avoid falling into a "gore which isn't evidence" tendency. --CE (talk) 09:41, 29 August 2013 (UTC)