Ukraine news/Archive/2020-02
28 Feb. Civilian, 1960 DOB, is wounded by Ukrainian fire near Yelenovka (said to be in provocation designed to draw return fire).
23 Feb. Ukraine once again shelled Gorlovka, on the once shared Red Army day, showing once again its newly acquired nasty nature; several homes are damaged - detailed by Prihodko (Eng.)
20 Feb. Ukrainian nationalist attack busses carrying Ukrainians evacuated from China because of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak while they are transported to quarantine.
18 Feb. Sharp deterioration of security situation is reported in LPR, including Bahmut motorway. Opolchenie sources tell this has to do with Ukrainians earlier capturing areas in grey areas in violations of the agreements.
Several homes in Zaitsevo, near Gorlovka are damaged by Ukrainian shelling.
Putin signed a decree relieving Vladislav Surkov of his duties as presidential aide.
- Interview with Surkov, afterwards (Commenting on the interview Peskov denies change of course on Ukraine; while Strelkov comments on 'leaving the boat').
16 Feb. Semyon Pegov with some predictions on future of Surkov (apparently implying that he will remain, in some capacity).
15 Feb. Civilian man, 1959 DOB, is wounded by Ukrainian sniper fire in Trudovskaya minepit settlement. There was a problem evacuating the wounded man, ceasefire (in 'ceasefire') had to be requested over 5 times. Eventually the man was evacuated in critical condition.
14 Feb. Zelenskii-Putin phone call (Kremlin), (Zelenskii).
11 Feb. Peskov said that Ukrainian policies will be led by Kozak, while there is no presidential decree on Surkov yet (1, 2).
Zelenskii relieved of his duties his chief of administration Andrey Bogdan and appointed another man Ermak; reasons are unclear, some theories why here and here.
7 Feb. Four LPR soldiers were killed and 4 wounded by Ukrainian 122-mm artillery strike near Zolotoe, LPR. (Vladlen Tatarskii comments).
Lukashenko and Putin meet in Sochi; Lukashenko comments about 'moment of truth'. Relations and oil/gas sales to Belarus' are on agenda. Meeting was quite positive, despite fears of otherwise, but on practical side, things remained largely unchanged.
President Trump fires Alexander Vindman, the Ukrainian mole deemed traitor embedded in the White House. (Noted, neither Vindman, nor Democratic or Republicans leadership or the establishment objected in principle to military aid to Ukraine, prolonging and feeding the conflict).
5 Feb. Ukraine shelled Gorlovka, homes and a school used as bomb shelter are damaged, 6/7 Mine-pit settlement lost power (Prihodko updates 1, 2, 3, 4).
3 Feb. Despite the agreements Ukraine shelled Staromikhailovka (western suburb of Donetsk), 2 houses are damaged.
1 Feb. After visiting Ukraine to offer US backing, Pompeo visits Belarus, offers US oil, etc, as if trying to insert himself in a gap developed due to some disagreements between Belarus in Russia (on Russian oil price, future of the union state, etc). Belarus and USA do not have respective ambassadors for 12 years, and the last visit of a secretary of state was 26 years ago.