US Civil War
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- This article is about the escalating political crisis in the United States. For the 1860s civil war, see Wikipedia: American Civil War
- Phases of the American Civil War - David Brin, September 19, 2014
BLM founded:
- A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement by Alicia Garza -, October 7, 2014
- Alicia Garza is the Special Projects Director for the National Domestic Workers Alliance. She has been the recipient of multiple awards (etc)
- In the article, Garza insists that this is about lives of Black people—not ALL people, as well as on recognition of her role in creating BLM

Trump supporters protest coronavirus lockdowns

Disunited COVID-19 policies expose potential fault lines.
Charlottesville unrest, February-August, 2017
- Charlottesville unrest - Ryan M. Kelly, photojournalist
June 2017
- Are We Nearing Civil War? - Patrick J. Buchanan, The American Conservative, June 13, 2017
August 2017
- Michael Savage Warns Of Impending Civil War Coming Soon! - David Rodriguez, Rogue Right, August 5, 2017
- Is America in a State of Civil War? - John Batchelor, Daily Beast, August 7, 2017
- America is in a state of supersessionist civil war, between the body that voted for the president of the United States and the body that voted for the other candidate.
- Is America Headed for a New Kind of Civil War? - Robin Wright, The New yorker, August 14, 2017
- America’s sectarian violence is a symptom of a lack of national confidence - Adam Garrie, The Duran, August 16, 2017
- How The Russians Won World War III - A Short History - Michael Rosenblum, Huffington Post, August 16, 2017
- Once in the White House, they unleashed their puppet, without his even realizing it, to set off an internal Civil War in America.
- Pat Buchanan: America’s Second Civil War - Patrick J. Buchanan, VDARE, August 17, 2017
- Death of a Nation - James George Jartas, Strategic Culture, August 17, 2017
- Марш "Против ненависти" vs митинг "За свободу слова" (March "Against hatred" vs rally "For the freedom of speech") --collection of social media photos and videos from Boston, Cassad, 20 August, 2017
- Political Warfare In The US, Rising Fears of Financial Collapse, Social Unrest - Nick Beams, WSWS via TruePublica, August 23, 2017
- United Nations Issues Rare Warning: ‘America Is Facing Civil War’ - Baxter Dmitry, News Punch, August 24, 2017
- Antifa Mobs Have Taken Over Berkeley, Are Beating Trump Supporters, Assaulting Journalists - Benny Jonhson, The Declaration, August 27, 2017
- Why is the media promoting Antifa? - Gabriel Black, WSWS via OffGuardian, August 29, 2017
- Hmm… Corporate Media Now Turning On Antifa As Police Militarization Increases - Caitlin Johnstone, August 30, 2017
September 2017
- FBI, DHS Officially Classify Antifa Activities As "Domestic Terrorist Violence" - ZeroHedge, September 1, 2017
- Cause of USA Meltdown and Collapse of Civil Rights - Denis Rancourt, Dissident Voice, September 7, 2017
- Will The “Deep State’s” War on Trump Lead To An Actual Civil War? - Andrew Korybko, Oriental Review, September 21, 2017
- Is the United States on the brink of a revolution? - The Conversation. September 25, 2019
June 2018
- New American Civil War? Some people think it’s already begun - RT, June 26, 2018
- 31% Think U.S. Civil War Likely Soon - Rasmussen Reports, June 27, 2018
- Civil War II Coming? - Kevin Barrett, Unz Review, August 8, 2018
- War is coming – to the United States and to the world - Seraphim Hanisch, The Duran, August 13, 2018
- 'Real Disaster': Ex-CIA Chief Fears Division in US May 'Spill Over into Streets' - Sputnik, August 25, 2018
September 2018
- The Civil War on America’s Horizon - William S. Smith, The American Conservative, September 11, 2018
October 2018
- Kunstler: Civil War Two Looms As Deep State Circles The Wagons - James Howard Kunstler, ZeroHedge, October 8, 2018
November 2018
- The “Purple Revolution:” U.S. Hybrid Warfare Coming Home To Roost? - Cynthia McKinney, November 27, 2018
March 2019
- In America, talk turns to something not spoken of for 150 years: Civil war - Washington Post, March 2, 2019
- American Civil War 2: US media will have only itself to blame if all hell breaks loose - Robert Bridge, RT, March 5, 2019
- MAJOR: VIDEO Trump’s Exoneration Prevented CIVIL WAR, Says Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard - Fort Russ, March 29, 2019
- It Could Happen Here - Robert Evans, (Bellingcat), March-May 2019 (podcast)
July 2019
- America stumbling towards civil war one terrible tweet at a time - Robert Bridge, RT, July 19, 2019
September 2019
- No Matter Who Wins in 2020, There Will Be Blood - William L. Gensert, American Thinker, September 13, 2019
- Trump tweets quote warning that impeachment will cause ‘Civil War-like fracture’ in US - RT, September 30, 2019
- Twitter Is OK With A Pro-Trump Militia's Tweets About A "Full-Blown 'Hot' Civil War" - Ryan Broderick, BuzzFeed News, September 30, 2019,
- Why Trump Tweeted About Civil War - The New York Times, September 30, 2019
- Why Trump's Removal Wouldn't Lead to a 'Civil War' - Ramesh Ponnuru, Bloomberg, September 30, 2019,
- Trump Gonna Have A Civil War Or A Hissy Fit, Whichever Is Easiest - Stephen Robinson, Wonkette, September 30, 2019
- Trump's Civil War Is Already Starting - Paul Blest, Splinter, September 30, 2019
- Did You Get Trump's Calendar Request For Civil War? - R. Eric Thomas, Elle, September 30, 2019
- Dear America, civil war is not a joke – or a picnic - Nebojsa Malic, RT, September 30, 2019
October 2019
- Of treason and civil war: An agitated Trump amps up threats - Laurie Kellman. AP, October 1, 2019
- Historian Warns Today's America Looks 'Eerily Similar' to Period Before the Civil War, Compares Movement Conservatives to Slaveholder Elite - Shane Croucher, Newsweek, October 1, 2019
- America’s Political Implosion - Finian Cunningham, Strategic Culture, October 9, 2019
- We're in a permanent coup - Matt Taibbi, October 11, 2019
- Ukraine starts exporting its main technology to the United States - Ivan Danilov, Russia Post, October 14, 2019
- The most amazing consequence of the “color revolution” in Ukraine is that its success (and this was, from the point of view of the American organizers and inspirers of the Kiev coup, a real triumph) caused radical, quick and extremely destructive Ukrainianization of American domestic politics. This process, which can be described with mild irony as “the transformation of Washington into Kiev-on-Potomac,” leads to a very likely and fairly predictable outcome - disintegration and civil war.
- Media hypocrisy is destroying America, but MEMES are the problem? Give me a break! - Nebojsa Malic, RT, October 14, 2019
- Democrats have now declared political civil war - David Marcus, New York Post, October 31, 2019
December 2019
- American breakup: secession is much closer than we think - F.H. Buckley, Spectator USA, December 5, 2019
- The states with the most active secession movements are progressive and want to escape from a federal government they think too conservative
February 2020
- Embracing the state secession movement: 'Make America small again' - F.H. Buckley, Washington Times, February 20, 2020
April 2020
- Coronavirus Color-Revolution: California Declares Nation Statehood as Trump Moves to Quell ‘Mutiny on the Bounty’ - Joaquin Flores, Strategic Culture, April 24, 2020
May 2020
- The Boogaloo Movement Is Not What You Think - Robert Evans and Jason Wilson, Bellingcat, May 27, 2020
- Begun The Civil Wars Of 2020 Have - Moon of Alabama, May 29, 2020
- Young White Men Abuse George Floyd Protests For Violence And Looting - Moon of Alabama, May 30, 2020
- Trump, Lacking Clear Authority, Says U.S. Will Declare Antifa a Terrorist Group - The New York Times, May 31, 2020 (archive)
- Trump to Designate Antifa as Terrorist Organisation, Urges States to Use National Guard to Stop Them - Sputnik, May 31, 2020
Floyd video
- Police bodycam footage shows moment-by-moment arrest of George Floyd for the first time - Daily Mail, August 3, 2020
June 2020
- Army Vet Lawmaker: Invoke Insurrection Act, Deploy Active-Duty Troops to Riots - Richard Sisk,, June 1, 2020
- Antifa isn’t the problem. Trump’s bluster is a distraction from police violence. - Mark Bray, Washington Post, June 1, 2020
- Trump must be removed. So must his congressional enablers. - George F. Will, Washington Post, June 1, 2020 (archive)
- Military Helicopters Descend On Washington In Bizarre Very Low-Altitude Show Of Force - The War Zone, June 2, 2020
- Trump Finally Gets the War He Wanted - Kevin Baron, Defense One, June 2,2020
- National Guard civil unrest update: More than 17,000 troops in 23 states and DC activated - Military Times, June 2, 2020
- Exclusive: President Trump Moves Military Forces to Near-Wartime Alert Level in Washington D.C - Newsweek,
- What Comes After America's Nationwide Anti-Terrorist Operation? - Andrew Korybko, OneWorld, June 3, 2020
- Tucker: How long before no one in America will serve as a police officer? - Fox News, June 3, 2020
- Trump’s Finger On The Martial Law Trigger - Jim Bovard, The American Conservative, June 3, 2020
- James Mattis Denounces President Trump, Describes Him as a Threat to the Constitution - James Mattis, The Atlantic, June 3, 2020
- America’s Generals Must Stand Up to Trump - Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic, June 3, 2020
- Antifa planned anti-government insurgency for months, law enforcement official says - Washington Times, June 3, 2020
- Armed Neighborhood Groups Form In The Absence Of Police Protection - NPR, June 3, 2020
- Heavily armed men who refuse to identify themselves are patrolling the streets of Washington, DC. They were sent by the Bureau of Prisons. - Business Insider, June 4, 2020
- Protester who Trump called an 'anarchist' on Twitter says he was just trying to help out - CNN, June 4, 2020 (See also Talk)
- U.S. Allies Look on in Dismay While U.S. Rivals Rejoice - Foreign Policy, June 4, 2020
- Buildings damaged in Minneapolis, St. Paul after riots - Star Tribune, June 5, 2020
- The Trump Regime Is Beginning to Topple - Franklin Foer, The Atlantic, June 6, 2020
- The best way to grasp the magnitude of what we’re seeing is to look for precedents abroad.
- Citizen patrols organize across Minneapolis as confidence in the police force plummets - Washington Post, June 7, 2020 (archive)
- New York Times opinion editor resigns following ‘Send in the Troops’ controversy - LA Times, June 7, 2020
- The New York Times on Sunday announced a shake-up, including the resignation of editorial page editor James Bennet, after a controversial decision to publish an opinion piece by a conservative senator who advocated for military force to quell civil unrest in American cities.
- Looting and Destruction Will Not Force a Revolution, It Will Bring About a Massive Police State - Waking Times, June 7, 2020
- Seattle's CHAZ Is A Recipe For Civil War - Andrew Korybko, One World, June 11, 2020
- Whose side are generals on? As Joint Chiefs chairman APOLOGIZES for standing by Trump, Biden confident of military support - Nebojsa Malic, RT, June 11, 2020
- Beware the Hijacking of U.S. Protests Into a ‘Color Revolution’ - Max Parry, Unz Review, June 14, 2020
- America's disintegration no longer sounds like a crazy prediction, but no one will like the consequences - Artyom Lukin, RT, June 15, 2020
- BLM protest in tiny Ohio town overrun by 700 armed counterprotesters - Daily Mail Online, June 17, 2020
- Intel report warns that far-right extremists may target Washington, D.C. - Politico, June 19, 2020
- Fairyland Wakanda - collection of videos and stills, Cassad, June 20, 2020 + user's added video
- "Black House Autonomous Zone"- Cassad, June 23, 2020
- Photos, videos showing attempts to remove Jackson statue, and "Black House Autonomous Zone" sign, near newly established BLM Plaza, in central Washington, DC
- @realDonaldTrump, June 23, 2020
- There will never be an “Autonomous Zone” in Washington, D.C., as long as I’m your President. If they try they will be met with serious force!
- @realDonaldTrump, June 23, 2020
- I have authorized the Federal Government to arrest anyone who vandalizes or destroys any monument, statue or other such Federal property in the U.S. with up to 10 years in prison, per the Veteran’s Memorial Preservation Act, or such other laws that may be pertinent.....
- DC Protesters face-off with police at Black Lives Matter Plaza 'autonomous zone' - WUSA9, June 23, 2020
- DC Metro Police are reclaiming the area around Lafayette Square, pushing back protesters who have tried to declare an autonomous zone. Several protesters gathered in the area of Black Lives Matter Plaza early Tuesday after a face-to-face with police during an attempt to remove the Andrew Jackson statue from in front of the White House on Monday night.
- Behind the Veil of the Protest Movement, the War on the American People Is Gaining Pace - Mike Whitney, Unz Review, June 23, 2020
- Great moments in racism: the dash cam tapes - Ann Coulter, June 24, 2020
- The Second American Revolution Or The First American Bolshevik Revolution? - Slobodan Solajic, OneWorld, June 23, 2020
- BLM protesters chant a quote from convicted cop killer Assata Shakur - Breitbart, June 26, 2020
- Princeton drops Woodrow Wilson's name from school due to 'racist thinking'- Fox News, June 26, 2020
Resistance (anti-Maidan)
- "Russian Mafia." How the owner of Pushkin restaurant and friends are protects his restaurant from pogroms - Baza, June 2, 2020
- The owner is an Armenian, his friends are from different ex-Soviet Republics, including Ukraine. They also protected a neighboring Wines and Spirits shop from pogroms.
- Can We Survive Our Collective Stupidity? PC Roberts, June 9, 2020
- "This is library" - Twitter, June 10, 2020
- US Rep. Jim Jordan: Life is precious - Facebook, June 10, 2020
- Muhammad Ali’s son says dad would have hated ‘racist’ Black Lives Matter - NY Post, June 20, 2020
July 2020

Is Trump hiring private military contractors to pose as a federal police force? See the file for discussion and debunk.
- New Intel: Communist China providing automatic weapons to Antifa, Black Lives Matter… some stored in democrat-run government buildings including East End Complex Capitol building in Sacramento – Block 174 - Mike Adams,, July 3, 2020
- Border Patrol’s Dream of Becoming a National Police Force is Becoming a Reality - Jenn Budd, Southern Border Communities Coalition, July 4, 2020
- Leader of ultra-right militia The Three Percenters General BloodAgent predicts end of America by 2021 and warns of new civil war - RT, July 4, 2020
- Armed Black Militia Challenges White Nationalists at Georgia's Stone Mountain Park - Newsweek, July 5, 2020 (archive)
- Uusi USA:n sisällissota uhkaa: BLM-pantterit ja perustuslailliset militiat vahvistavat voimiaan - UMV-Lehti, July 6, 2020 (in Finnish)
- The Far-Right Revolution Was Waiting for an Opportunity. Now, It’s Here. - Murtaza Hussain, The Intercept, July 11 2020
- What’s happening in Portland shows Trump is ignoring the Constitution — and attacking America - Ruth Marcus, Washington Post, July 17, 2020 (archive)
- Oregon ACLU: 'Actions of the militarized federal officers are flat-out unconstitutional' - KATU News, July 17, 2020
- The Trump Administration Is Treating U.S. Cities Like Occupied Territory - Libby Watson, The New Republic, July 17, 2020
- Steve Schmidt goes on epic rant and demands Oregon’s governor arrest Trump’s ‘Secret Police’ in Portland - Bob Brigham, Raw Story, July 17, 2020
- Leader of radical black-only militia NFAC ‘believes in violence’ & wants a real-life Wakanda for every black person in America - RT, July 18, 2020
- A Constitutional Crisis in Portland - Doug Brown, ACLU, July 18, 2020
- FAA declares flight restrictions over “Battle Ground Vortac” near Portland, cites “active national defense” operations and warns unmanned aircraft may be shot down - Mike Adams, Natural News, July 18, 2020
- A constellation of threats: far rightists respond to the Black-led uprising - Ben Lorber, ThreeWayFight, July 19, 2020
- Trump Prepping To Dispatch Federal Squads To More Democratic Cities, Warns Mark Meadows - Mary Papenfuss, Huffpost, July 19, 2020
- Yugoslavian Issues Warning To All Americans - Via The Scoop, July 23, 2020
- Lukashenko: Modern wars are triggered by street protests - Belta, July 24, 2020
- Trump’s Portland tactics are the stuff we decry in other countries - Boston Globe, July 24, 2020
- Do Americans Get That Trump is Instituting Martial Law? - Umair Haque, July 24, 2020
- America 'staring down the barrel of martial law', Oregon senator warns - The Guardian, July 25, 2020
- Murder of black Trump supporter Bernell Trammell spurs call for federal investigation - NY Post (and other MSM), July 25, 2020
- Police press statement - A man is shot and killed in Austin, Texas on July 25, 2020, during BLM protest march. (See Talk)
- A bipartisan group secretly gathered to game out a contested Trump-Biden election. It wasn't pretty - Boston Globe, July 26, 2020
- In Louisville, America Edges Closer to a ‘Shooting Race War’ - 21st Century Wire, July 27, 2020
August 2020
- Police in Kenosha, Wisconsin shoot an unarmed man in the back - Fifty Shades of Whey, August 24, 2020 (video)
- WORSE THAN YOU THOUGHT: BLM Destroys Kenosha | Complete Walk-Through w/ Narration - Slightly Offens*ve, August 24, 2020 (video)
- Rioters Destroy Kenosha’s Black Business District As National Guard Responds - The Police Tribune, August 25, 2020
- Jacob Blake shooting: Two shot dead at Kenosha BLM protests - Daily Mail Online, August 26, 2020
- Who Is Kyle Rittenhouse? Jacob Blake Protest Shooter Is Reportedly A White Teen Affiliated With Cops - NEWSONE, August 26, 2020
- Kenosha: Illinois Teenager Kyle Rittenhouse Charged with Murder for Fatal Shooting - Breitbart, August 26, 2020
- 'Mostly Peaceful' Rioting And Looting Is Helping Trump's Campaign - Moon of Alabama, August 27, 2020
- What is your opinion regarding the Kyle Rittenhouse shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin during the Jacob Blake protest? - Jon Davis, Quora, August 28, 2020
- "Video shows Kenosha shooting suspect running with rifle, shooting into crowd" - WGN News, YouTube, August 26, 2020
- Will Hillary and the Dems Get the Civil War They Are Trying to Provoke? - The Saker, Unz Review, August 28, 2020
- Shows second shooting episode where Kyle is attacked by several men, one hitting him with a skateboard, another having a gun in is hands. Also shows Kyle trying to surrender to police.
- Kyle Rittenhouse - Let's talk facts in the Kenosha Wisconsin shooting from a Lawyer's standpoint- Colion Noir, August 29, 2020
- A black lawyer/youtuber talks on video about both shooting episodes, considers it likely self-defense. Doing a plug-in for some self-defense legal insurance at the end.
September 2020
- The worst-case scenario for the US general election may lead to a working class civil war - Failed Evolution, September 5, 2020
- Aseistautuneet BLM-militantit ja Viking-militiat vastakkain Louisvillessä – Sisällissota oli lähellä puhkeamista? - Uusi Verkkomedia, September 7, 2020 (in Finnish)
- Former CIA Officer: “Violence Will Explode” if Trump Wins Re-Election - Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News, September 11, 2020
- Reconsidering the Presidential Election - The Saker, Unz Review, September 15, 2020
October 2020
- Stopping the Coup: The 2020 Guide (Google docs)
- Former Twitter CEO says some capitalists 'going to be the first' to be 'shot in the revolution' - Fox News, October 1, 2020
- 2020 Is Tumbling Toward 1917 - Helen Andrews, The American Conservative, October 2, 2020
- As our (un)civil war escalates towards the real thing, America is in throes of unrest unlike any in our 244-year history - Michael Rectenwald, RT, October 5, 2020
- America May Need International Intervention - Peter Beinart, The New York Times, October 6, 2020 (archive)
- Even Democrats may find it hard to imagine, but the “leader of the free world” would benefit from United Nations oversight.
- America on cusp of a Civil War: No matter who wins the election, there will be no peaceful transfer of power - Scott Ritter, RT, October 9, 2020
- Two Types of Terror in Michigan - James Bovard, AIER, October 9, 2020
- Left-wing Radicals Post Online Guide to ‘Disrupting‘ the Country if Election is Close - Breitbart News, October 12, 2020
- ‘Straight to Gunshots’: How a U.S. Task Force Killed an Antifa Activist - The New York Times, October 13, 2020 (archive)
- Study: 110,000 Californians Bought Guns During Pandemic; Fear of ‘Lawlessness’ Most Common Reason - Breitbart, October 18, 2020
- Glenn: Evil is washing over the world right now - Glenn Beck, October 18, 2020 (video)
- "We Are Now In a Civil War" (With Regard to the Hunter Biden Censorship) - LaRouchePAC Videos, October 20, 2020
- An all-Black group is arming itself and demanding change. They are the NFAC - CNN, October 25, 2020
- Military, police in Washington state prepare for possible civil unrest after election - The Seattle Times via Stars and Stripes, October 26, 2020
- Is the U.S. Already in a New Civil War? - Matthew Gault, Vice, October 27, 2020
- Concerns rise over election-related unrest - The Hill, October 27, 2020
- Live Updates: Mass Looting Engulfs Philadelphia in Wake of Police Shooting of Knife-Wielding Man - Sputnik, October 28, 2020
- Philadelphia rocked by fresh unrest after police shooting - BBC, October 28, 2020
- California Might Split Off If Trump Wins - Graham Elwood, October 30, 2020 (video)
- Gun sales are soaring. And it’s not just conservatives stocking up - Los Angeles Times, October 30, 2020
November 2020
- See also US presidential elections 2020
- WATCH: Convoy of Trump supporters’ trucks surrounds Biden-Harris campaign bus to ‘escort it out of Texas’ - RT, November 1, 2020
- Civil War? People Are Bracing For The Worst As Fears Of Election-Related Violence Grow - Bruce C.T. Wright, News One, November 1, 2020 (mirror)
- ShutDown DC Zoom Chat Coup Plot Street Action - November 2, 2020 (video, Lisa Fithian)
- What Will It Take for Americans to Consider Breaking Up? - Jeff Deist, Mises Institute, November 4, 2020
- Mississippi legislator apparently floats secession after Biden victory: report - The Hill, November 11, 2020
- Trump at the Rubicon - Alexander Macris, November 19, 2020
December 2020
- Time for a divorce? The US is so bitterly divided between red & blue factions that some want it to split into two nations - Michael Rectenwald, RT, December 5, 2020
- The Collective Suicide of the Liberal Class - Chris Hedges, Scheerpost, December 7, 2020
- Seventeen US States Back Texas Bid To Overturn Biden Election - Sputnik, December 10, 2020
- ‘CIVIL WAR’? Democrats outraged at ONE-THIRD of US states challenging Biden election in Supreme Court - RT, December 10, 2020
- Texas GOP Chair Allen West says SCOTUS setback may call for new 'union' of 'law-abiding states' - Fox News, December 12, 2020
- Clashes Occur Between Trump Fans, Opponents at BLM Plaza - Sputnik, December 12, 2020 (videos)
- Civil war becomes inevitable in the USA - Thierry Meyssan, December 15, 2020
January 2021
- Will January 6 be the date the second US Civil War begins? - Robert Bridge, RT, January 4, 2021
- American Coup 2021 - Stewart Brennan, World United News January 9, 2021
- More violence to emerge in US as ‘divergences remain unsolved’ - Global Times, January 10, 2021
- Pentagon Aware of Possibility of Further Violence Prior to, During Biden Inauguration - Report - Sputnik, December 10, 2021
- Is America’s Future a Civil War? - Paul Craig Roberts, January 10, 2021
- Twitter’s ban on Trump will only deepen the US tribal divide - Jonathan Cook, January 11, 2021
- 25th Amendment, impeachment, expulsion of Trump Republicans all under consideration in House - Daily Kos, January 11, 2021 (archive)
- FBI warns 'armed protests' being planned at all 50 state capitols and in Washington DC - CNN, January 11, 2021
- America’s Battle Over the Nature and Direction of Change Itself - Alastair Crooke, Strategic Culture, January 11, 2021
- Biden Exploits His Capitol Gains - Diana Johnstone, Consortium News, January 11, 2021
- Are you ready for total (ideological) war? - C.J. Hopkins, January 11, 2021 (RT)
- DOJ expects ‘significant’ sedition & conspiracy cases over Capitol siege - RT, January 12, 2021
- A Nation Imploding: Digital Tyranny, Insurrection and Martial Law - John W. Whitehead, Global Research, January 13, 2021
- Is the Establishment Planning a False Flag “Insurrection” for Inauguration Day? - Paul Craig Roberts, January 13, 2021
- 9/11 Was the Prelude. 1/6 Is the Holy Grail - Pepe Escobar, Strategic Culture, January 13, 2021
- Senior Democrat Pushes ‘Insurrection’ Amendment to Bar Trump From 2024 Run - Sputnik, January 14, 2021
- The 2nd US Civil War has already been fought and won, turning the Republic into ‘Our Democracy’ - Nebojsa Malic, RT, January 14, 2021
- National Guard troops flooding in as Washington locks down - AP, January 15, 2021
- Notes on ‘Martial Law’, ‘Election Fraud’ by My Pillow CEO Caught on Camera as He Visits WH - Sputnik - January 16, 2021
- A New Civil War Test Case - Rod Dreher, The American Conservative, January 18, 2021
- America has become an armed and angry camp - Louis Farrakhan, January 19, 2021 (mirror)
- Antifa 'Congratulates' Biden on Inauguration by Smashing Windows of Dems Headquarters in Portland - Sputnik, January 21, 2021
- ‘Opposite of unity’: Democrats’ identity politics pushes US towards conflict akin to Lebanese civil war, professor warns - RT, January 21, 2021
- Joe Biden fails to unite Americans - "The Rebellion of the Heartland is just beginning" - Markku Ruotsila, Länsi-Savo, January 23, 2021 (in Finnish)
- Man Who Allegedly Wanted to Attack Democrats to Keep Trump in Office Faces 10 Years in Prison - Newsweek, January 27, 2021
- Pelosi says more security needed for U.S. Congress against 'enemy within' - Reuters, January 28, 2021
- Pelosi Blasts 'Enemy Within' After Congressman Reportedly Attempted to Bring Gun to House Floor - Sputnik, January 28, 2021
February 2021
- Former CIA Counterterror Chief Suggests Going To War Against "Domestic Insurgents" - Steve Watson, Summit News, February 4, 2021 (mirror)
May 2021
- The brewing social tensions that will break America apart - Rainer Shea, May 18, 2021
June 2021
- Politically Motivated Academics Have Forsaken Science on ‘Whiteness’ as They Steer America Towards Civil Strife - Robert Bridge, Strategic Culture, June 16, 2021
- Racial injustices have made a U.S. civil war inevitable - Rainer Shea, June 19, 2021
- How the American Dream Became the American Nightmare - Umair Haque, June 20, 2021
July 2021
- Violence breaks out after spa customer complains about transgender woman exposing penis to kids - Daily Mail, July 4, 2021
- Two-thirds of Southern Republicans want to secede - Christopher Ingraham, The Why Axis, July 14, 2021 (+ RT)
- United States of… Yugoslavia? Cartoon hints at next chapter of American civil war - Nebojsa Malic, RT, July 22, 2021
September 2021
- Abort the Illegitimate Court: End the Filibuster and Pack it - Ben Rosenfeld, CounterPunch, September 15, 2021
- Our constitutional crisis is already here - Robert Kagan, Washington Post, September 23, 2021 (archive)
October 2021
- Trump Supporters at Iowa Rally See 'Civil War Coming,' Say He Will 'Save the World' - Newsweek, October 9, 2021
December 2021
- Billionaire Ray Dalio predicts there is a 30% chance of US Civil War in the next 10 years - Daily Mail Online, December 2, 2021
- US billionaire predicts civil war in the country - RT, December 3, 2021
- US ‘closer to civil war’ than most would like to believe, new book says - The Guardian, December 20, 2021
- How close is the US to civil war? Closer than you think, study says - CNN, December 20, 2021 (video)
- The American polity is cracked, and might collapse. Canada must prepare - Thomas Homer-Dixon, The Globe and Mail, December 31, 2021
- The U.S. is becoming increasingly ungovernable, and some experts believe it could descend into civil war. What should Canada do then?
January 2022
- Retired General Calls for Purge of US Military Amid Fears Rogue Elements Might Attempt Coup in 2024 - Sputnik, January 1, 2022
- Opinion: Civil war in the United States is far more likely than you think. In fact, it may have already begun. - Paul Brandus, Market Watch, January 5, 2022
- The growing U.S. military & intelligence worries of civil war - Rainer Shea, January 17, 2022
- Michigan Mother Claims Litter Box Was Installed in School Bathroom for Students Identifying as Cats - Sputnik, January 22, 2022
February 2022
- Billionaire says US on ‘classic path’ to civil war - RT, February 4, 2022
July 2022
- Half of Americans anticipate a U.S. civil war soon, survey finds - Science, July 19, 2022
- There's Gonna be a War in Montana - Isaac Simpson, The Carousel, July 27, 2022
- Florida Uhuru leader defends Russia, bashes Colonial powers after FBI press conference - FOX 13 Tampa Bay, July 29, 2022
August 2022
- Trump Raid Is Sabotaging The Democrats' Campaign - Moon of Alabama, August 9, 2022
- Trump's legal jeopardy could 'misguide US midterm elections' into partisan conflict rather than solving urgent economic problems - Yang Sheng, Global Times, August 14, 2022
- Sweeps Week on FBI TV! - Matt Taibbi, August 17, 2022
September 2022
- Biden Launches Divisive Attack On MAGA - Moon of Alabama, September 2, 2022
November 2022
- The Oncoming Second American Civil War - Boyd D. Cathey, Unz Review, November 30, 2022
March 2023
- Grand Jury Votes to Indict Donald Trump in New York: Live Updates - New York Times, March 30, 2023 (archive)
- This is what will happen when Trump is arrested. - New York Times, March 30, 2023 (archive)
April 2023
- On Secession and Civil War - Simplicius the Thinker, April 30, 2023
May 2023
- Pregnant Woman Viciously Attacks Gang of Defenseless Young Black Men - Ian Kummer, May 21, 2023
August 2023
- Why We're Facing another 30 Years War - Whatifalthist, August 10, 2023 (video)
February 2024
- American society is spinning out of control: What you need to do now to prepare for massive civil unrest and violence -, February 18, 2024
March 2024
- ‘Civil War’ Review – Alex Garland’s Odyssey Into the Dark Heart of a Divided America - Discussing Film, March 19, 2024
Police vs protesters
- Protesters and police clash in Boston -Fox News, August 19, 2017
- Also 0:49 here (front view).
- Protesters clash with police after "free speech" rally in Boston -CBS News, August 19, 2017
- 'Boston Police Clash with Counter-Protesters at "Free Speech" Rally while Exfiltrating Participants' -Code3Paris, August 19, 2017
- And then Athena appeared; she won. Intersecting street name sign: SW Taylor, one way. Downtown Portland; street view here; another photo from the location here. Posted on social media, July 18, 2020.
- Guy bike-chained to a post, SW Main, downtown Portland, July 18, 2020
- Police: People have broken into the Portland Police Association office and lit the building on fire. Officers were able to put out the fire inside the PPA office and have restored order in the neighborhood there. Related report with some photos/videos here (trash containers outside on fire are seen). Night of 18 July, 2020.
- Dad with leaf blower arrested Tuesday, says he was taken to ground by federal officers during Portland protest -, July 24, 2020
- Protests outside the federal courthouse in Portland at around 11:30 p.m. July 22, 2020. When federal officers deployed tear gas, some protesters, in part affiliated with "PDX Dad Pod," used leaf blowers to blow back the gas.