Syria news/Archive/2020-11
25 Nov. Israeli airforce dropped leaflets in southern Syria warning not to collaborate with Hezbollah.
18 Nov. Israel strikes Iranian, Syrian targets in Syria.
16 Nov. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem dies at the age of 79.
9 Nov. "Text of the statement by Putin, Pashinyan and Aliyev to end the war in Karabakh has been published"
It is reported that a new ceasefire agreement is reached on Nagornyi Karabach, which apparently includes withdrawal of Armenian forces, Azerbaijan keeping recently captured territory including Shusha city, and a Russian peacekeeping force.
Azerbaijan forces shot down with MANPADS Russian MI-24 helicopter over Armenia near the border with Azerbaijan "by mistake".
4 Nov. The US DoJ shuts down and seizes the domain name of the pro-Trump, pro-Syria news and opinion web site American Herald Tribune.