Syria news/Archive/2020-10
23 Oct. With Russia not explicitly backing either side in Nagornyi Karabakh, Trump is "aiming to help Armenia" (and Bellingcat, too).
It is reported that Russian air force performed strikes on illegal oil installations in Turkish zone of responsibility near Jarablus, Syria
17 Oct. Another major flare-up in Azerbaijan-Armenia violence, with rocket strikes on population centers, Azerbaijan claim of a strike on Armenian S-300 site, etc. Followed by announcement of a ceasefire (of uncertain duration).
10 Oct. It is said (sources) that fighters from Syrian pro-Turkish Hamza division (Wikipedia; logo) or Sultan Murad division are fighting in Nagornyi Karabakh on Azerbaijani side.
4 Oct. Russian sources report on a Syrian program which pays $100 to $300 for providing information "about HTS objects in Idlib", and for some reason publish details on several identified targets. (Confusingly, report itself talks about training camps for mercenaries prepared for Karabach).
3 Oct. "Today's Armenian is not a wanderer on the Deir ez-Zor [Syria] road" - Pashinyan's appeal to the Armenian people.
2 Oct. Joint appeal by Russia, USA, France to Azerbaijan and Armenia to stop warfare and start diplomacy is backed by Armenia but de-facto rejected by Erdogan who supports Azerbaijan actions. On the ground, Azerbaijan fired on Karabakh capital city Stepanaert and a bridge connecting Armenia and Karabakh. Russia stays neutral, so far. Some talk of possible involvement of Iran (who may be on Armenian side, in continuation of an old rivalry in the Caucuses)