Russian non-system opposition
(Includes some politicians, artists, journalists, scientists).
- Petr Pavlenskii
- Stich Red Square Wired Psychiatric hospital roof "Svoboda" action-recreating Maidan in St Petersburg.
- Jan. 17, 2017. Pavlenskii and Shulgina arrive to Ukraine and give a video interview where they say that they are driven to leave Russia due to a new criminal investigation (after spending 11 months in detention for the FSB action) which they claim is a tool of their suppression by the system and revenge for all of the Pavlenskii's actionism. They explain that they practice open relationships, and there has been an actress from an opposition theater seeking contact with them for a while, who later accused them of "forcible actions of sexual character" (art. 132 of the criminal code). They say at first they did not take it seriously, but in the end this charge is very hard to defend against as a complaint of the alleged victim is sufficient.
- Jan. 30, 2017. An unsympathetic article in Russian opposition press about circumstances leading to Pavlensky and Shalygina emigration to France, with two criminal investigations against Pavlenskii started or threatened, to do with an actress (above)+her boyfriend who was beaten by Pavlenskii in a separate episode and prior to the actress's complaint. Details/blame uncertain, Pavlenskii claims that accusations are cooked-up and politically motivated (while regarding the boyfriend, that he did some wrongs).
- Aug. 18, 2017. Interview to Rosbalt.
- Nov. 14, 2017. After his and his wife arrest in Paris for setting Bank of France entrance on fire at Place de la Bastille, Pavlensky started a dry hunger strike in a French prison.
- June 11, 2018. Rally in support of Peter Pavlensky, Place Vendome, Paris
- Nov. 1, 2019. "Ecoute-moi Judge: How Peter Pavlensky was tried in Paris".
- Feb 14, 2020. Pavlenskii in the news again:
- It is not immediately obvious why would a guy who is openly practicing open relationships would care who fucks whom how in France. Apparently, this is about hypocrisy, not about fucking.
- Feb. 15, 2020 Pavlensky is arrested in France 1,2 soon after making public the video, said to be for a violent fight which occurred on 2 Jan. (apparently he defended himself wielding a knife against a group and was hit with a bottle on the head, as presented by Russian sources).
- Now both Pavlensky and his
partner Shalygina, mother of his two daughters,"companion for a little over a year" Alexandra de Taddeo are arrested on invasion of privacy charges. (Oh fuck....) - BBC has the story.
- Feb. 18. 2020. Ex-associate of Pavlensky Oksana Shalygina: “Leave me alone”
- Pussy Riot, Tolokonnikova, Alekhina
- 'Chaika' clip, -visuals and critical review by Roman Popkov, Feb. 7, 2016
- Voina ('War') art group
- Action "Dick in FSB Captivity", Liteinyi bridge, St Petersburg
- Venediktov, editor-in-chief, Echo of Moscow ('Ekho Moskvy-Russ.).
- Putin responded to Venediktov, at a meeting with the heads of Russian media, Jan. 18, 2012, Novo Ogarevo, Moscow.
- Episode is based on stupid comments on Echo Moskvy about anti-missile defense system deployment by USA in Europe. It needs to be understood that Ekho Moskvy typical program consist of talk shows involving various arts, social sciences, or journalism majors without any training in technical (or other relevant professional fields, such as arms control or international relations). Chances of having such technically illiterate pronouncements in those talk shows is therefore high. Unfamiliar with exact commentary at issue. It appears that since that episode Venediktov continued with his job and was able to receive media briefings with top officials of the state.
- "11 minutes after this episode", Putin offered Venediktov to become his authorized representative (lit. 'confidant'-доверенное лицо, Rus.) for the upcoming presidential elections. Venediktov turned downed the request (as well as requests from two other candidates, according to his later interview).
- Recently translated at Fort Russ as evidence of Venediktov 5 column membership, and listed as a CIA agent and a schizophrenic with symptoms of aggressive, uncontrolled negativism, in a translation of another article with some noteworthy graphics in front .
- --Resup (talk) 20:11, 20 April 2016 (UTC)
Anna Politkovskaya, 30.8.1058- 7.10.2006
Irina Slavina (Wikipedia), suicide by self-immolation, Nizhnii Novgorod, October 2, 2020
August 5, 2021. Open Media (Khodorkovsky) is closed
21.11.15 Non system opposition do not have factions in current Duma, dominated by the ruling "United Russia" block. Next elections are in Fall, 2016, with opposition struggling to be above the required 5% threshold. Attempts to join forces are underway for quite some time, with unclear outcome. "Democratic choice" is, or was, one of attempted unification blocks, including RPR Parnas (Kasianov, late Nemtsov), and Party of Progress (Navalnyi). It is said that Open Russia of Khodorkovskii may be involved as well. But at least one other major opposition group, Yabloko, seems to go separate ways. Some latest developments are reflected on RPR Parnas site
10.4.2016 Aleksey Navalnyi: "Navalnyi is CIA agent code name 'Freedom', and he killed Magnitskii" (and so Russsian Channel 1 says).
- Russia reopens a criminal case, declares Khodorkovsky arrested in absentia, places him on international wanted list, for his alleged role in murder of two people; news and background info TASS (Rus), Dec. 23, 2015.
Vladimir Petukhov, the first popularly-elected mayor of oil-rich Nefteyugansk, was shot dead on his way to work on June 26, 1998, which happened to be Khodorkovskii birthday. Petukhov as a mayor insisted that Yukos pay more taxes, while Yukos would prefer this to be less, setting grounds for a conflict. With laws of the land being inadequate for capitalism arrival, rules of business and political games were set by complicated relations among top players. In case at hand, it is said that Petukhov started a hunger strike demanding a criminal prosecution of Yukos. Regional governor agreed to investigate the matter. Petukhov was shot and killed shortly after (Petukhov bodyguard was shot as well but survived). Khodorkovskii is also accused in an attempt on the life of a businessman Evgenii Rybin, who had a business and financial dispute with Yukos (demanding from Yukos a payment in the amounts of 50-100 mln $); it is also said that he had unpaid debts to another party. Here is a quote from RT, showing a version close to the official Russian investigation(s) :
The investigation (previous one) found the killing to have been a well-prepared assassination, coordinated by former Yukos oil company Vice-President Leonid Nevzlin and organized by former Yukos security head Aleksey Pichugin. While a Russian court sentenced Pichugin to a life term in prison for three murders and four attempted murders, Nevzlin was sentenced to life in absentia, as he escaped to Israel to avoid the charges. Unlike his subordinates, Yukos CEO Khodorkovsky was not charged with murder, but spent 10 years behind bars for tax evasion, fraud and money laundering.
Alternative Presidential Candidates
Sept.12, 2016. Khodorkovskii launches a web project, with list and basic info on alternative candidates for 2018 Russian presidential elections. Registered users can add candidates, and their votes are used to set candidates rating. At present, leaders are Navalnyi (anti-corruption), and Shlossberg (famous for reporting on presumed Russian soldiers graves), followed by Evgenii Roizman (getting a lot of mixed press coverage for his anti-drug project). Economist Kudrin has quite high rating too, while Kasyanov (PARNAS) got very negative one (many character attacks on him in media).
- At present, it is not announced whether Putin runs in 2018 elections. (Based on his current published rating, he is likely to win if he does). Mainstream parties are expected to have their leaders run for president, e.g Yavlinskii (declared to run, Yabloko party). It is likely that other candidates will include Ziuganov (communists), Zhirinovskii (so-called 'liberal democrats'), but it is not yet declared (wiki).
- According to Kremlin spokesman Peskov, this project was developed by people 'irreversibly detached from Russia', and 'we do not see anything interesting in this project'.
Khodorkovskiy in paywalled WSJ article (free Russian version here) takes on US-Russian relations and calls to 'understand real problems of Putin and his associates in Russia'. 'The prevailing goal is to delay unavoidable departure from power', 'military adventurism and police state are tools to achieve that objective'. 'Putin cannot resign without grave personal risks'. (This sort of perception is quite common and expressed across the political spectrum. Indeed, there were essentially no instances of orderly peaceful transition with a substantial change of the course; e.g. Yeltsin resignation was coupled with naming Putin as a successor who, in common perception, was supposed to ensure Yeltsin's dignified retirement, as part of the deal. Nobody is around to be such a guarding angel now, apart from perhaps security people--but that would not be a change of the current course, so why to even bother). --So some truth in this; --but without saying that Khodorkovskiy represents an attractive alternative --Resup (talk) 01:30, 11 March 2017 (UTC)
Recently (and after years of little dialogue or opportunity to affect the events) demands of a few political opposition figures became radicalized, calling for revolutionary change, undoing everything that was done by current authorities right on their arrival, etc. What they say is not always totally groundless. Yet it is not well thought out from start to end, does not have enough concern about fates and desires of real people and not just formal principles; and is too radical, for a country with enough revolutions in recent history already. Those opposition figures are foreign-based and foreign-supported; and do not really have compelling (for Russia, not their sponsors) ideas of how changes are supposed to come about or what and how is coming next. Thus it will likely lead to major problems and upheaval as was seen in post-Maidan Ukraine, or post-collapse of the USSR, if realized in practice. At present this does not have popular support and is essentially on the fringes, even among non-system opposition; but in overall difficult economic situation and at time of de-facto 'hybrid warfare', it is hard to be sure how all that may play out. Unfortunately there is no meaningful dialogue, with both sides too preoccupied with undoing the other, or preaching to the converted, and so at this time things do not seem to evolve in any hopeful direction .... --Resup (talk) 16:25, 7 February 2016 (UTC)
22 Aug. 2016. Viacheslav Maltsev, PARNAS party, in televised debates on Russia 1 channel made unusually strong-worded critical comments calling for Putin impeachment, called to unite to prevent bloody revolution and to make it by constitutional means, etc. This follows even more critical comments on his youtube channel and social media. There seems to be no positive component for changes for better. 'Patriotic' opposition is wondering what's going on, is he perhaps provocateur or a 'trial ball' of some sort launched by pro-western oligarchs, etc, as calling for revolutions, etc, breaking Russian law and people have been in difficulty for less, and that they do not have access to major TV channels promoting more balanced, they believe, approach. Nemtsov was very critical too but he seemed to have more analysis and a positive component for changes. It is unclear at this point is this Maltsev TV surprise something genuine or some sort of spectacle. Remaining PARNAS candidates are sort of boring or compromised in public view, one way or another, sometimes by dirty means, or else by alleged corruption/foreign control, etc.
- In September, 2015, schedules next revolution in Russia by November 5, 2017, on video. This is also sited in another recent video attempting to link him or PARNAS with Russian nationalists such as Demushkin (and Ukrainian Right Sector types) . The latter video, along the lines that Russian Maidan is in the works, may have some basis to it, but also exaggerates just one unfavorable aspect making it appear as large as possible and out of broader context, likely aiming to show in bad light PARNAS with Duma elections approaching, Sept. 18, 2016. On the video, persons resembling Maltsev and Demushkin discuss joint plans, including 5.11.2017 revolution, which is to start by a nationalist march a day earlier (around 19:00 time stamp on the video). Demushkin denied having or discussing such plans with Maltsev answering reporter question (18:40), before we see, apparently, hidden camera recording of their meeting.
- Noted: some things shown are likely illegal under very tight Russian laws; preparing a Maidan would be. People were having problems for less, often in indirect ways. (...Like elsewhere, worldwide...) Recordings could be made by police/security and given to journalists, apparently to affect elections instead of prosecution (more benefit this way at this time?).
Vyacheslav Maltsev was arrested on 13 Apr. in Saratov. It is said to be because of an investigation of violence against police at 26 March 2017 protest. Video of the arrest was filmed by his wife, before her phone was confiscated before a search was started in their apartment, in presence of witnesses brought there by police (the wife was demanding her witnesses or neighbors used). Maltsev was so critical of authorities, in effect calling for 'regime change' in Russia and giving a date, that patriotic opposition considered him a provocateur doing so with a blessing from authorities to herd radical protesters along (they say, they would not be permitted any remotely close levels of criticism and direct action call). According to the report, Maltsev had a hear attack when transported to Moscow, and that there is no new information on his condition.--Resup (talk) 19:50, 13 April 2017 (UTC)
Petition to the White House to free political prisoners in Russia, created on June 1, 2017 (petition failed due to low signature count).
On the 100-th anniversary of the Russia's Great October Socialist Revolution (celebrated in November by the new calendar), Russian FSB arrests Maltsev supporters said to plan mass disturbances
- Maltsev political program-Artpodgotovka group. The date of November 5, 2017 is highlighted.
MAJOR scoop of Alexey Navalnyi, accusing PM Dmitrii Medvedev in illicit ownership of real estate, wine, agriculture projects, yachts, managed by foundations which he claims are specially created to cover this up.
- He is not 'Dimon', by Alexey Navalnyi, video, link to written version in video description. Estimated value of those properties is perhaps 1 bln USD (he counted about 70 bln rubles in combined donations by oligarchs and bank loans).
- Dorenko, a famous pen & mouth for hire: there is no corruption in Russia at all. Corruption is only possible in capitalist system. In feudalism, some people subsistence just needs to be maintained. (And also: navalnyi is just prepares his election run).
- 'In the eyes of a clown', Andrey Karaulov (wiki) 40 minutes long attempted video rebuttal. Main objections raised, footwear purchases, etc, had to pass security, not go via intermediary company; and that genuine prime minister estate would be protected from the air and not available for drone filming; plus attack on Navalnyi character and dealings. Overall, kind of fair game, in the sense that neither Navalnyi nor this rebuttal prove their main claims beyond doubt and is more to do with painting an opponent in unfavorable light with largely circumstantial information, for broad masses political consumption. With corruption being genuine serious problem, perhaps Navalnyi still got some edge in this videos mud slugging competition. Talking heads like Kurginyan, famous for attacking opolchenie from patriotic sort of angle, and for his theatrical experience, take a part here in attacking Navalnyi.
- Official rebuttal: not known at this time, will be added when spotted. Possible rebuttals: (1) those are private properties owned by those foundations, as the documents show indeed (2) those are state properties (3) ...(etc), (so what?) ...(etc) .
- --Resup(talk)17:53, 4 March 2017(UTC)
- 1 Apr. 2017. Peskov commented(Engl-full) on the investigation, along the lines that corruption is a serious problem but facts are transparent to services in charge and not to Navalnyi, and this is part of a populist political campaign. --Resup (talk) 12:42, 1 April 2017 (UTC)
Navalnyi was refused registration as a candidate in 2018 presidential elections, because of his prior criminal conviction (which he disputed).
Another protest march by Navalnyi (short video),(long video), elections-themed staging (chants of 'shame', 'strike!", etc). Navalnyi arrested, then released without a police report, after giving a word to show up for a hearing. Graham Phillips showed up to film, surrounded by Navalnyi supporters who shout 'shame', he throws some curses back, but all having some fun doing it and filming each other. Eventually, a bearded provocateur breaks Phillips video camera and escapes (report and video)--Resup (talk) 01:34, 29 January 2018 (UTC)
Navalnyi is set for pre-announced return to Russia, while FSIN made a move formally enabling his prosecution/imprisonment for probation violation. Betting game is on as to whether it will actually happen. If it does, toying with Western liberalism is effectively over; but, it looks more like intimidation/bluffing while preparing grounds to do it at some later point, if so decided. (While Malafeef's Tsargrad makes a pass on Yulia Navalnaya, supposed future Guaidanovskaya-Tikhanovskaya, with some nude girls photos from Navalnyi's circle. I am not sure how is that supposed to stop anything; probably aimed at own elderly/traditional Christian audience). --Resup (talk) 11:19, 17 January 2021 (UTC)
Navalnyi is met by police on his landing in Sheremetevo. He tried to get his attorney to come with him. --Resup (talk) 18:03, 17 January 2021 (UTC)
UFSIN: Navalnyi is detained. --Resup (talk)
2 Feb. 2021. Court report, text and video. 12:14, prosecution asks for 3.5 years prison term. 20:21, decision announced, Navalnyi is sentenced to 3.5 years term of "general regime colony", and is to spend in prison 2 years and 8 months, after the reduction for the time spent already.
Opposition and Navalnyi himself consider the case politically motivated. Vladimir Pozner would fine instead of a prison term. Strelkov would hypothetically release, warn, allow political and anti-corruption activity, but with a prospect of court-martial if later found working for foreign services/interests; pro gov, basically cheer/rationalize the developments . Big protests on 23 January prior to the hearings, then seemingly quieter (yet, nationalist opposition expects Maidan-style events attempted). --Resup (talk) 18:43, 6 February 2021 (UTC)
Navalnyi's structures are on their way to be declared extremists, opening possibility of legal prosecution --Resup (talk)
August 2021. Navalnyi's wife uses prison visitation scheme made well-known by Maria Butina to stay with him on prison grounds for 3 days. --Resup (talk) 15:47, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
Role and impact
IMO, not black and white. Most well-known for charismatic anti-corruption investigations. Always linked with his political aspirations. Before the watershed of 2014, perhaps in symbiotic relationship with the system, as a show-case opposition, and investigations (some say, sometimes, possibly) used by competing food chain participants in their inner-species struggle. When hiatus in relations between Russia and the West developed, there was less use for show-case pro-Western opposition, and it appears that he increasingly served Western agenda, with less symbiotic relations to the system. In the end, it seems that he became to be increasingly seen by the system as a color revolution or Western services tool. Also, while his early investigations were somewhat limited to individuals, not at the very top, his late investigations were targeting a large group of people who came to the top power together; -and merits or demerits aside, were lined up with the "regime change" Western agenda , in war time. To complicate things further, at the time of his death there was possibly some transition, or competition for power at the very top, and manifest changes including anti-corruption steps by the system itself; overall tightening; and a near breakdown of positive relations with the West. All of that creates a complicated, not black and white background. --Resup (talk) 13:35, 23 February 2024 (UTC)
- "The Proekt website on September 17 quoted one of Navalny's associates who said that the bottle [with "poison traces"] was taken to Berlin by one of Navalny's team members, Maria Pevchikh, who is a resident of the United Kingdom" --VOA RFE/RL Russian Service , September 17, 2020
- Navalny speech in European Parliament, proposing to go after money and sanction Russian oligarchs (Eng.) , November 28, 2020. Numerous sanctions on Russia did follow.
- Alexei Navalny ally (Leonid Vokov) quits after urging EU to drop sanctions against oligarchs, - The Guardian, May 9, 2023
- Volkov, and Maria Pevchyh, are seen on photos of Yulia Navalnaya meeting EU bureaucrats after Navalny death (video), The Independent, February 20, 2024
"Open Russia"
"Open Russia" "self-liquidated", to avoid legal prosecution of its members. --Resup (talk) 14:24, 29 May 2021 (UTC)
Vladimir Kara-Murza
- Vladimir Kara-Murza delivers speech on House Floor - Arizona House Democrats, March 16, 2022
- The criminal charges in Russian court refer to statements at 7:40 timestamp, claiming that Russia use cluster bombs on residential areas, bombs maternity wards, hospitals and schools. Those accusations are inaccurate (at least, there is no evidence of doing that intentionally) and unbalanced (ignoring worse crimes by the other side). Jailing political opposition is of course regrettable. Yet, at times of war, fueled by the West (by providing major support to one side in what is largely a civil war), it is hard to expect substantial opposition to this prosecution. So by backing the war, the West actually grossly weakened the case presented by non-system opposition (which, in absence of the war, may be viewed as at least partially valid) .
Charges of treason
Details of charges were not officially made public. There were unsourced Ru media reports that he allegedly consulted 'organizations from NATO member countries' and received $30 000 per month for doing so. Kara-Murza side response to this is not known, nor evidence supporting the allegations. It was also reported that he took part in Magnitsky act deliberations
Kara-Murza total prison term was the total of him sentenced for "fakes" targeting Ru mil; undesirable organization activities; and treason.
Ilya Yashin
Ilya Yashin charges of fakes targeting Ru mil are based on comments he made on his YouTUbe channel about Bucha. Those events were blamed for derailing Ru-Ukr peace negotiations in Turkey. Russian authorities maintain that Bucha events are either staged or grossly misrepresented. It is known that some of the deaths were from shelling, not executions. For the rest, details are still disputed; no solid details on names +sides in the conflict+ causes of death are known here.
Prisoners swap, August 2024
Noted, prisoners exchange between Ru and USA was suggested here long time ago; which at times seemed increasingly unlikely, short term; had 'Navalny died' in the middle; but in the end occurred, making quite a number of families, and at least 3 state leaders, quite happy in the end. --Resup (talk) 12:31, 4 August 2024 (UTC)
- Exchange was facilitated by 'several countries, organizations, and individuals'; in particular Turkey played an important role, and the exchange took place at an airport in Turkey.
- Ru president signed decrees on pardons (text),, August 1, 2024
- Meeting with Russian citizens who returned to their homeland as a result of the exchange (video, text),, August 1, 2024
- In US, president and VP also were at an airport to meet those arriving to USA, in the spirit of celebration
- Andrey Pivovarov, Vladimir Kara-Murza, Ilya Yashin. First press conference after release , Meduza, DW video-YouTube, August 2, 2024
- They said, with all of them agreeing, that sanctions should be directed at 'Russian officials and criminals', not all Russians; and suggested steps like educational visas for ordinary Russians, 'to show that not all in the West are enemies'. Those words and suggestions appear sincere, out of natural justice feelings sort; but also have practical reasons, as by now they are viewed as the '5th column', and not just by the authorities, but also by considerable part of population
- They said that their 'expulsion' from Russia is illegal by Russian law, as it is banned by the constitution to expel citizens without their consent, and also as they were pardoned without asking for it, and rejecting it. Those statements are partially true, there are indeed constitution articles 61, 63 (the latter is rather vague, in their case). It may be construed perhaps that they were put on the plane followed by international agreement after negotiations, and they could in theory return, if they really want (despite what security officers told them, as those were not the authorities to decide on this). Such a return would make little practical sense, as they are indeed viewed as the 5 column by the authorities. It would up to authorities to arrest them on return or not. They were pardoned for the charges they were previously convicted; but it would not be difficult to bring new ones (eg based on what they said in the process of release, and at the press conference), and eg put them in preliminary detention while new charges are considered. Also, as a practical matter, at this point they are undocumented, for the purposes of boarding planes and crossing Russian border, as they only have expired internal Russian passports (not valid for international travel). So they will be supposedly denied boarding, and denied entry to Russia, for the lack of valid travel documents, which they can apply for, but it will take time (perhaps with possibility to drag on this). They could in theory also write to authorities and try to figure the official position on them returning (+ use Western diplomatic back-up they have to facilitate an answer); that may have little practical near-term sense though, due to intensity of their stand-off with the authorities; that would be statements of rights, not a conversation, and may not lead to any near-term improvement of the situation.
- They were told by guards that their return will prevent future exchanges (that is not really up to the guards; though do have practical element to it).
- They were talking of moral dilemmas, as some of their friends are also in detention and in poor health, and were not released ; while they were, despite being opposed to it. They gave couple of names of other prisoners, largely unknown in the West, + repeating Memorial claim of over 1000 political prisoners. They were unaware of who and how selected them for the release
- They stated their anti-war positions (don't see anything wrong with that); but also, despite being highly intelligent, kept repeating cartoonish claims indistinguishable from Ukrainian propaganda and Western tabloids, presenting 100% one-sided view of a much more complex situation. It appears that they are so immersed in political fight, or perhaps so annoyed by grim everyday realities in Russia, while unfamiliar with grim realities in the West, that they are incapable of seeing outside that box.
--Resup (talk) 12:18, 4 August 2024 (UTC)
This of course 'could not happen' without Hristo Grozdev's nose. Who informed that UK was not involved in the process (Kara Murza has Ru and UK citizenship).
Protest Marches
26 March. Navalnyi's anti-corruption foundation organised country-wide anti-corruption protests, as a follow-up to its recent Medvedev investigation. Meetings were not officially approved but went ahead regardless. Protests were peaceful, in the form of a walk around. In central Moscow, police asserted control pushing the crowd away from Pushkin square and making arrests, with count said to be in hundreds; Navalnyi was arrested , too (photo).
- Reports: Rusvesna; Newsru.
- Live feed , multi-city (police at-the-doors mentioned, shows up with a dog at a broadcasting studio; the feed is yet alive long after that...)
- Navalnyi believes that Russian Constitutional court decided that authorities have to offer an alternative venue for meetings or else they are assumed to approve the venue requested by organizers (federal law on meetings stipulated notification in due time; constitution says it's a right). On 24 March, Moscow prosecutor office issued a warning that meeting is not approved, alternative venue offered and rejected. Meetings were approved in 24 cities out of announced 100.
- Video from Makhachkala, Dagestan. Protesters cite constitutional court decision (above) saying they have right to protest, told back that they violate law (along the lines of not ensuring all safety measures, or unspecified) and may be arrested, and given there rights to later challenge arrest, be represented, etc. Several arrests made after such verbal exchanges. (One of those arrested, Olga Tochenaya) .
29 Apr. 2017. Khodorkovsky's 'Open Russia' organised country-wide anti-Putin protest march, #надоел (approx. sick-and-tired, Rus.) live feed; one of the hosts is opposition postergirl Marya Baronova, + Open Russia chairman Alexander Soloviev;
- those two were later seen leaving 'reception of the President of the Russian Federation in Moscow' office after handling in their letters in person and receiving a receipt
Another girl is a host connecting from studio to feeds from various localities/participants. Protest was not allowed in Moscow and some cities, allowed in some other cities. Protesters do not (typically) have slogans or banners (except some tricolor Russian flags), but write letters to the the President telling what is that they are sick-and-tired of. There were several arrests (eg Cheboksary).
- It is said (towards the end of the feed) that up to 100 people were arrested in St. Petersburg. Arrests were reported in Kazan
Offices officially accepting such letters are (mostly) closed, in Moscow --barricaded with a fence and heavy road equipment. Authorities ask not to take part in protests, (in Moscow in particular), 'as provocations are possible'.
Simultaneously, a 'patriotic' sort meeting is planned in October field, Moscow, organised by Yurii Boldarev, and called 'русский марш протеста' ('Russians protest march', of 'national-patriots'). (Reports of NOD / anti-Maidan, and some police or internal troops, having some sort of gatherings, so far without any significant clashes). Strelkov's folks stay away from both meetings, mostly to stay clear of the first event.
So far, peaceful, with no major disruptions or violence.
- --Resup (talk) 10:16, 29 April 2017 (UTC)
- Police estimates number of participants at 250 in Moscow, 100 in St. Petersburg, few dozens in other cities (Rusvesna)(Interfax).
12 June 2017. On the day of Russia, country-wide anti-corruption protest marches. Navalnyi arrested in his home already (administrative arrest, 30 days). Overall peaceful, but arrests in Moscow and St. Petersburg, said to be in 100's. Live stream
- According to Navalnyi, sound and stage technicians were pressured not to work for them on that particular day in that particular approved for the march location in Moscow, Sakharov prospect. Navalnyi issued an appeal to his followers to come to Tverskaya street instead, ---but that was not an approved location.
5 May, 2018 Navalnyi called for a non-sanctioned meeting 'he is not a Tsar to us'. Clashes on Pushkin square, Moscow between Navalnyi supporters and opponents reported, some Cossacks and OMON 'wounded', Navalnyi arrested
Grass-root protests
Farmers from rich agricultural region of Kuban attempted a march on Moscow driving their tractors all the way. They protest that land was unfairly taken from them using machinations with land law. Some big rig drivers joined them, protesting tracking and payment system 'Platon' (the latter dispute is over a year old). Protest was blocked in Rostov region, after farmers met with assistant presidential representative for Southern Federal District and assistant governor of Krasnodar region, but refused to stop the protest, as the issue was not resolved since they protested half a year ago. Farmers were detained, driven back, fined, on the grounds that their protest was not properly authorized., 23 Aug, 2016.
Sept. 7, 2016. Two protesters picketing during Medvedev visit were detained in Buryatia. Their posters mock some awkward commentary by Medvedev which went viral on social media. First poster: "No money. (But) we keep up. The mood is bad" (following Medvedev comments to Crimea pensioners on pension indexation (briefly) no money, but you keep up, all the best to you all). (Eventually it was decided to pay pensioners a lump sump instead of indexation to counter inflation, with indexation to follow later). Second poster, "Quit school to do business. Burned. Thank you", following Medvedev recommendation to teachers not happy with their salaries (compared to those of policemen, etc), to earn money in business. (At some point in summer of 2016 there were rumors that to raise salaries to some academics, others will have to be fired, said to be on agenda of the government. Those rumors were quickly denied).
Truckers (дальнобойщики) protests
1 Apr. 2017. There are protests against lorries tracking and toll payment system 'Platon' . It was introduced to collect toll money, and in part to cover costs of producing chips. Truckers not happy with payments, and some glitches; coverage of protests moved it from purely economic to somewhat political issue, with other opposition jumping in. Here is latest video, with national guard surrounding protesting truckers in Manas, Dagestan. Around 600 truckers and 100 police, according to video description.
Russian bc?
An article by Alexey Zotiev published on Cassad introduces bc to those unconverted. In particular, makes this update: ..recently, "Ruslan Leviev, a programmer from Navalnyi anti-corruption foundation has joined this team. This 'expert', hailing from Surgut, and recently moved to Moscow, without leaving his apartment, is telling to the whole world some tall tales about, as he claims, soldiers of a Russian GRU unit number 16, killed in Ukraine. This military burial sites hunter is publishing his sensationalized discoveries on bc and his livejournal page...(etc)... " (well, Navalnyi said a number of things, good, bad, and indifferent, "Forward, rams! (aka Forward, Idiots!) was one of his saying--hope this is not like that this time around...Anyway, some people are born to be in opposition, maybe if they are placed in the West, they will join us, and not bc's. And the same goes with the brown nosing of course--Resup (talk) 17:58, 22 August 2015 (UTC)
- Leviev was in a group of those who launched a challenge in the Russian supreme court to the President order (28.5.15) to make secret MoD losses "in peaceful times when special operations are conducted"; violators may be charged under article 283 of the criminal code (article) (commentary). Denies a serious involvement with Navalnyi foundation-says he just did some websites for them. Demands a salary from Belingcat after Cassad publication (twitter post). --Resup (talk) 05:08, 23 August 2015 (UTC)
Anatolii Ermolin is a retired lieutenant colonel of an elite FSB (formerly KGB) spetznaz "Vympel", turned commentator/journalist. Here is his appeal warning on grave dangers of spreading hatred, addressed to the president of Russia, and written shortly after Nemtsov murder. Lately speaks against war-mongering propaganda.
- Wikipedia
- Alexei two percent, irRussianality, May 2, 2017
- Puts numbers to the perceived over-representation of non-system opposition figures in leading English-language press products.
- Numbers vs. significance, a complicated issue, also vigorously debated internally. Russia was never a democracy and dissent can be more significant (in a sense unspecified) than numbers otherwise suggest. What to make of it is unsettled and at times pretty controversial. Number of true non-conformists is small anywhere. Internally, Zyuganov, Zhririnovskiy, etc are just parts of the same system, not an opposition proper. But with the West getting herself involved, a question arises that maybe some self-identified non-system opposition figures are really a pocket opposition of the West (or else, have serious mental fallacies overbuying Western propaganda). No good resolution of those controversies is known to the humankind at present --Rs.
January 5, 2016 Frumkin vs Russia (On 6 May 2012 Frumkin was arrested during the dispersal of a political rally at Bolotnaya Square in Moscow ... 25, 000 award to Frumkin.
- link{"languageisocode":["ENG"],"documentcollectionid2":["JUDGMENTS"],"itemid":["001-159762"]}
- Russia recently said that it does not necessarily have to follow ECHR; it remains to be seen how this will play out. Changes to the supreme court law Chairman of the constitutional committee of the Russian Federation Council explanation
Security and Legal Matters
- 'Secret training of National Guard, Moscow region, 7 April 2016'. Video shows training of Russian National Guard, the newly formed structure based on MOI interior troops (170 thousand interior troops, 200 thousand security guards, 30 thousand OMON and SOBR, Victor Zotov is the chief), according to captions. It was posted by 'Open Russia' (Khodorkovskii), and appeared in both 'opposition' and 'patriotic' media such as comments sections of Rusvesna and on Cassad blog. (Factually, all trucks have 'police' markings on them).
- Another video cut, to a different music
- A practical illustration: video of OMON making arrests, Gypsy protests and disturbances, village of Plekhanovo, around March 17, 2016 . (They built housing in the village without permits, allegedly illegally hooked up to a gas pipe, supply to the village itself was interrupted; when repair crews arrives some clashes occurred, OMON was called in, leading to arrests).
- Interior troops indeed took part in two wars in Chechnya, as well as regular army. That was a different sort of thing, much more violent. National Guard now for something like this? Seems more appropriate for regular army and spetnaz, not for ex-MOI and security guards...
- A practical illustration: video of OMON making arrests, Gypsy protests and disturbances, village of Plekhanovo, around March 17, 2016 . (They built housing in the village without permits, allegedly illegally hooked up to a gas pipe, supply to the village itself was interrupted; when repair crews arrives some clashes occurred, OMON was called in, leading to arrests).
- Yarovaia-Ozerov (1) (2) draft laws on 'additional measures for counter-terrorism and public safety' were introduced in Duma.
- The law was criticized by presidential council for civil society and by the opposition. In particular, the law will penalize for 'assisting extremist activity', which may turn out to include a broad range of activities.
Team 29
- 30 Apr. 2021 Ivan Pavlov, founder of Russian human rights Team 29 legal team is detained, accused of leaking preliminary investigation information TASS --Resup (talk) 14:58, 1 May 2021 (UTC)
- This apparently has to do with Ivan Safronov case.
- 18 Jul. 2021. "Team 29"(archived), under regulatory pressure, announced self-liquidation.
- Former head of Navalny's headquarters was sentenced 2.5 years in prison for reposting Rammstein "Pussy" video - April 29, 2021
Maidan in Moscow
- Як розганяли мітинг у Москві - YouTube video, Радіо Свобода Україна, July 27, 2019
- МВС Росії: у Москві затримали понад тисячу людей - Радіо Свобода, July 27/29, 2019
- Росія: затриманого опозиціонера Навального госпіталізували з «дивною алергією» - Радіо Свобода, 28 Липень 2019
- Shenderovich (in Russ.) - "Special Opinion", youtube , August 1, 2019
- Нові протести в Москві -, 3 серпня, 2019
- 13:52 Телеканал "Дождь" повідомляє, що силовики витягли з таксі незареєстрованого кандидата до Мосміськдуми Любов Соболь
- 15:34 Слідчий комітет РФ відкрив кримінальну справу про відмивання грошей на Фонд боротьби з корупцією Олексія Навального.
- 15:55 "ОВД-Инфо": затримано мінімум 194 людини. Серед затриманих 21 неповнолітній, 6 журналістів, 6 побитих і 2 іноземці.
- 10 Aug, 2019. Liubov Sobol busted by police prior to an approved meeting, live-streaming her door break-in on periscope. MoI claimed that they were contacted by organizers who informed that Sobol and her allies plans some provocations
- Мітинги за вільні вибори в Росії: У Москві почали розгін демонстрації, є затримані -, August 10, 2019
- Opinions
- Mikhail Weller - Unknown people will seize power -YouTube, July 16, 2019
- About arrest of Egor Zhukov, according to his campaign headquarters chief (1, 2), August 2, 2019, with linked video by Egor Zhukov, August 1, 2019
- Alexey Venedictov, August 3, 2019
- Look, he is moving the (protseters) column from the roadway to the pedestrian part. That is, he instills order to the disorder. ”
Art. 212 of the Russian criminal code.
Art. 280 of the Russian criminal code.
- Egor Zhukov detention is changed from SIZO to home arrest, and the mass disorders charge has been withdrawn, however the charge under article 280 part 2 (calling for extremist activities via the Internet) is still pending (TASS, 3 Sep. 2019).
Another Zhukov (relationship unknown or none), Kirill Zhukov, was sentenced to 3 years in prison for physically provoking OMON (video).
- Some differences in Russian and Western protest coverage
- 17 Aug. 2019
Communists (CPRF) march in central Moscow (featuring Ziuganov, Grudinin, a singer performing on stage and Ziuganov making body moves to the tune, etc) was covered and live-streamed in Russian sources. Protest was not large, but had large number of red flags. Many protesters were quite old. Protest has some coverage in Western media, but often with extra bits diverting attention elsewhere, for example , violence on previous protest marches, single pickets (of well-known use, eg Strelkov's and friends single person picket against Kuril islands deal with Japan, but with single pickets not well-visible in Russian media on this particular day; a rare Russian coverage here).
Some Russian commenters did call the CPRF spoilers, as they are the 'official' opposition, represented in Duma and thus presumably in quite cozy relations with other main parties.
Some previous Russian coverage drew attention (and exploited a bit politically) the fact that permits are also required for Western protests (those on public property, affecting traffic and business, etc), sample: 1, 2.
There has been live streaming of the previous banned marches/banned extensions of allowed marches featuring live commentary by journos in studio from a pro-government perspective (expressing discontent with violations of public order, asking for violators to be 'packed', etc). Various modes of live-streaming coverage here, with the top video with pro-government commentary. --Resup (talk) 06:59, 18 August 2019 (UTC) Meanwhile, Mitrokhin of "Yabloko" party succeeded in getting himself a registered candidate status, by going to court ... ("Yabloko" is a liberal opposition party which habitually refuses efforts to nominate unified opposition candidate)... --Resup (talk) 07:41, 18 August 2019 (UTC)
- Moved to Alleged poisoning of Alexey Navlnyi