ISIS liberates Mosul
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ISIS executes 1700 Iraqi prisoners in Mosul
- Theories behind the ISIS takeover of Iraqi province – Elie Chalhoub, Al Akhbar, Jun 11, 2014
- Iraq: The Armed Conflict has Gone Wild – Viktor Titov, New Eastern Outlook, Jun 12, 2014
- Why The Spectacular Success of ISIS Will Be Its Eventual Undoing – John Little, Blogs of War, Jun 12, 2014
- America's Covert Re-Invasion of Iraq, Tony Cartalucci, Jun 13, 2014
- Heavily armed, well funded, and organized as a professional, standing army, the forces of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) swept southward into Iraq from Turkey and northeastern Syria, taking the cities of Mosul and Tikrit, and now threaten the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad itself. The United States was sure to prop up two unfounded narratives - the first being that US intelligence agencies, despite assets in Iraq and above it in the form of surveillance drones, failed to give warning of the invasion, and that ISIS is some sort of self-sustaining terror organization carving out a "state" by "robbing banks" and collecting "donations" on Twitter.
- Iraq: Armed Islamists are Approaching Baghdad – Vladimir Simonov, New Eastern Outlook, Jun 13, 2014
- Factors behind the precipitate collapse of Iraq's army – Jonathan Marcus, BBC, Jun 13, 2014
- Iraq crisis: Sunni caliphate has been bankrolled by Saudi Arabia – Robert Fisk, Belfast Telegraph, Jun 13, 2014
- America's Allies Are Funding ISIS – Josh Rogin, The Daily Beast, Jun 14, 2014
- The War Nerd: Here’s everything you need to know about “too extreme for Al Qaeda” I.S.I.S. – Gary Brecher, Jun 16, 2014
- The ISIS Crisis: Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri and the Naqshbandi Army, Scott Creighton, Jun 19, 2014
- Washington Relaunches its Iraq Partition Project, Thierry Meyssan, Jun 19, 2014
- Al-Qaeda affiliates keeping a watchful eye on ISIS' conquests, Radwan Mortada, Al Akhbar, Jun 20, 2014
- ISIS Unveiled: The Identity of The Insurgency in Syria and Iraq, Christof Lehmann, Jun 15, 2014
- U.S. Embassy in Ankara Headquarter for ISIS War on Iraq – Hariri Insider, Christof Lehmann, Jun 22, 2014
- Two interesting articles by Lehmann. He claims ISI(S) was reactivated after Maliki chose to let the Army close the smuggling routes to Syria in late 2012, taking sides to the outrage of the Empire. An alleged "Hariri insider" in the second article gives more details about who runs the show, culminating in the paragraph:
- Noting that a prominent member of Saudi Arabia’s royal family, Prince Abdul Rachman al-Faisal has been named as the one being “in command” of the ISIS brigades, and if he could either confirm or deny, he nodded, adding that “the Prince” is responsible for financing the operation and for part of the command structure, but that the operations headquarter is the U.S. Embassy in Ankara Turkey. “As far as I know, nothing moves without Ambassador Riccardione”, he added.
- That would be Ricciardone, I guess. Gotta love Wikipedia for the following sub-headline (NPOV anyone?): "An AKP Supporter's Biased Account of 'Controversy' as U.S. Ambassador to Turkey" ;oP --CE (talk) 17:28, 23 June 2014 (UTC)
- How US and Britain were warned of Isis advance in Iraq but 'turned a deaf ear' Exclusive: Kurdish intelligence chief says information was passed on to CIA and MI6 about grand plan to take Baghdad, Richard Spencer, The Telegraph, Jun 22, 2014
- Syrian Kurdish leader: Turkey turns blind eye to ISIS, Amberin Zaman, Al Monitor, Jun 23, 2014
- PYD leader Salih Muslim on the cooperation between Turkey and ISIS along the Syrian-Turkish border region. Still the same picture we know from Ras Al-Ayn only that they have completely taken over from the other "rebel" groups that were harassing Rojava last year. --CE (talk) 22:56, 23 June 2014 (UTC)
- Jihadism and the Petroleum Industry, Thierry Meyssan, Jun 23, 2014
- Did Obama Know that ISIS Planned to Invade Iraq?, Mike Whitney, Counterpunch, Jun 24, 2014
- CHP to share evidence of trucks carrying arms to Syria, Emrullah Bayrak, Today's Zaman, Jun 24, 2014
- Main [Turkish] opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu has claimed that the government sent trucks full of arms to Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants fighting the Syrian regime, stating that the CHP will soon share the details of the government's transfer of these arms through certain documents.
- The Strange Case of Nouri al-Maliki, Eric Draitser, July 3, 2014
- Makes the detailed case that Maliki has fallen from grace because he didn't do what he was told to do by the US.
- PKK revelations on ISIL attack and creation of "Kurdistan", Voltaire Net, July 8, 2014
- The PKK has released the minutes of the 1 June 2014 meeting held in Amman to launch a joint attack by the ISIL and Iraq’s autonomous Kurdish government. According to Turkish newspaper Özgür Gündem, the meeting was allegedly prepared during Massoud Barzani’s visit to Amman, on May 27, later to be held under the auspices of the United States, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel and Turkey.
- Iraq crisis: How Saudi Arabia helped Isis take over the north of the country - Patrick Cockburn, The Indipendent, 14 July 2014
- Iraqi Bankers Say ISIS Never Stole $430 Million From Mosul Banks, Business Insider, July 17, 2014

And is it a coincidence that Iraqi Parliamentary Speaker visited Turkey on June 2 on an unofficial tour and the Mosul surrendered to the ISIS on June 10 by the speaker’s brother Esil Nujayfe?
Source: The War on Terror: Downsizing people's freedoms and outsourcing the work of terror to the Thugs Unit – Vladimir Suchan, June 14, 2014
Source: The War on Terror: Downsizing people's freedoms and outsourcing the work of terror to the Thugs Unit – Vladimir Suchan, June 14, 2014