Bucha massacre
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Western map of the Kiev area at the end of April 1, based on Ukrainian sources. Ukrainian forces entered Ivankiv and Borodyanka without a fight on April 1.The map claims Gostomel and Bucha were still in Russian hands. There is no road or bridge between Ivankiv and the Dniepr. Russians must thus have left Bucha before they left Ivankiv.

Oleg Abramov was one of the people killed

Two Russian soldiers killed in Bucha on February 27, 2022 and passed on by Ukrainian officials and Wikipedia as "Bucha civilians massacred by Russian soldiers"
Idilika Home - продаж таунхаусів в Бучі on Yabluska Street in Bucha, northwest of Kiev.
- ~67 defenders of Ukraine buried in a mass grave at a churchyard on March 12. This may include civilian "Volkssturm", who were handed out weapons.
- ~10 suspected collaborators executed at a location that may have been responsible for distributing humanitarian aid.
- ~5 suspected collaborators executed in the cellar of the Promenystyy" children's resort
- ~20 civilians killed by shelling on Yabluska Street with bodies not recovered until April 2nd. NYT investigation says the bodies appeared on satellite images around March 11th and March 19th.
- 2 likely execution victims planted on Yabluska Street among the shelling victims. The two men may have been executed on site or the bodies moved there.
- Two women give video testimony that their husbands were executed in a cleansing operation. On the Ukrainian videos the men were executed by "Russians", but other evidence says the cleansing operation happened after the Russians had left.
- Alexander Rzhavsky, killed outside his home,
Ukrainian claims include "410 victims" and "Russians executed all men between the ages of 16 and 60". No bodies or other proof has been presented for these numbers.
Distantly related, in Motyzhin, 20 km southwest from Bucha:
- Suhenko family of three, village head and her husband and son, allegedly executed by Russians.
Mass graves
- no one @antiwar_soldier on Twitter, April 10, 2022
- Here is the interview of the Kiev region police Andrey Nebitov, who on 9 of April tells that there 40 bodies in this grave.
- 2 of them soldiers, other civilians.
- When asked about the burial place of other 300 bodies he is clearly confused.
Russian forces left Bucha on March 30. (See Russian MoD statement.) Ukrainians officially entered the area on April 2.
- Moon of Alabama @MoonofA on Twitter, April 3, 2022
- Who exactly entered Bucha once Russian troops left? RT, April 6th, 2022 (video)
- Chronology of events in Bucha - World in Conflict @DerHaidWachst on Twitter
- Timeline video
Tweets and news
- Бучанська міська рада. Офіційна сторінка on Facebook. March 31, 2022, 11:12 UTC
- March 31 in Buchi sunny.
- Spring has really come: Energetikív street is waiting for bučancív.
- (7 photographs from town center with no sign of Russians or bodies.)
- Bucha - free from the Russian occupiers - Fedoruk - LB.ua, April 1, 2022 (archive)
- "March 31 will go down in the history of our settlement, the entire territorial community as a day of liberation from the Russian orcs, from the Russian occupiers of our settlements by the Armed Forces of Ukraine ," Fedoruk said.
- Viktoriia 🇺🇸🇺🇦 @ViktoriiaUAH on Twitter, April 1, 2022, 20:07 GMT
- My brother sent this to me. Town of Bucha northwest of Kyiv. The amount of dead citizens on one street alone…I just can’t even process.
- Special Forces Regiment SAFARI Begins Clearing Operation in Bucha from Saboteurs and Accomplices of Russia - National Police - LB.ua, April 2, 2022 (archive)
- Special forces have begun a clearing operation in the city of Bucha in the Kyiv region, which has been liberated by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The city is being cleared from saboteurs and accomplices of Russian forces.
- As a reminder, the day before, the head of Bucha city Anatolii Fedoruk recorded a video message in which he announced that the city had been liberated from Russian invaders on 31 March.
- Scenes from Ukraine: Inside three towns after the Russians pulled out - Michael Agosti, Toronto Star, April 2, 2022
- Russian military shoots at a man in Bucha - video from a drone - Суспільне Новини, April 5, 2022 (Azov drone video from March 3, 2022)
- Civil defenders of Ukraine were buried in a mass grave in Bucha - March 12, 2022
Gleb Bazov @gbazov on Twitter, April 6, 2022This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules.
- Bucha - cleansing of the city from the occupiers by special forces of the National Police (Буча - зачистка міста від окупантів спецпризначенцями Національної поліції) - Українська правда, April 3, 2022
- On April 2, in the liberated city of Bucha, Kyiv Oblast, special units of the National Police of Ukraine began clearing the area of saboteurs and accomplices of Russian troops. Specialists of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service inspect the places of war crimes of the Russian Federation and seize explosive devices and ammunition that have not detonated. Law enforcement officers inspect every yard and shelter, communicate with people and provide assistance to local residents. Citizens who had to endure the horrors of the occupation are helping the police as much as possible. The police are doing everything possible to restore law and order in the liberated territories so that local residents can return to their hometown as soon as possible.
- (No bodies seen on video.)
- Defence of Ukraine @DefenceU on Twitter, April 3, 2022, 12:44 AM
- New Srebrenica. The Ukrainian city of Bucha was in the hands of 🇷🇺 animals for several weeks. *Local civillians were being executed arbitrarily*, some with hands tied behind their backs, their bodies scattered in the streets of the city.
- Ukraine: civilians lie dead in the street as Russian forces retreat from Bucha - Guardian News, April 3, 2022
- The dead bodies of civilians still lie in the streets of Bucha after Russian troops retreated after a month-long occupation.
- Russians With Attitude @RWApodcast - April 3, 2022
- Lat night, Sergey "Boatsman" Korotkikh, infamous Neo-Nazi & member of Azov, posted a video titled "The BOATSMAN BOYS in Bucha". At the 6 second mark you can clearly hear the dialogue:
- "There are guys without blue armbands, can I shoot them?"
- "Fuck yeah"
- Paul Ronzheimer @ronzheimer on Twitter, April 3, 2022, 14:35 UTC
- We went together with Wladimir @Klitschko and Vitali inside Bucha today. Behind him dead bodys. Pure horror. „Its a genocide“, Klitschko said.
- (The bodies are still seen in front of Idilika Home.)
- Paul Ronzheimer @ronzheimer on Twitter, April 4, 2022, 20:55 UTC
- In Bucha you can see the war crimes on every corner. Our report for @BILD
- (Video shows two cars on a road with three dead civilians still inside, five days after Russians left.)
- The bodies of people are removed and buried from the streets of Bucha - Суспільне Новини, April 4, 2022
- "15 bodies were on Yablunska Street, with their hands tied and shot in the head, they were taken away today," said the head of the ritual service in Bucha, who managed to organize the burial of people during the occupation. After the liberation, the city was destroyed and its streets covered with the bodies of the dead. As of April 4, more than 300 people were buried.
- Same cleanup crew seen in the Irina Abramova witness video
- 'They Killed People Systematically': Bucha Residents Allege War Crimes By Expelled Russian Forces - Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, April 4, 2022
- Witnesses claim most victims on Yabluska Street were killed by unseen snipers. They also seem to know that the snipers were "Russians".
Western officials
- Euractiv, April 4, 2022
- A statement by the Russian embassy in Germany, that claimed that the reports over the massacre in Bucha were staged by the Ukrainian government, led to widespread outrage in Berlin.
- “Spare us your inhuman lies,” Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, chairwoman of the defence committee of the Bundestag tweeted yesterday, in response to the embassy’s statement.
- “The day will come when Putin and his henchmen, including you, will have to answer for these cruel and massive war crimes in The Hague,” she said on Sunday, adding that “you should be expelled.”
Western media
- Ukraine accuses Russia of civilian 'massacre'; Russia denies this - Reuters, April 3, 2022 (archive)
- ‘They were all shot’: Russia accused of war crimes as Bucha reveals horror of invasion - The Guardian, April 3, 2022
- Ukrainian forces liberating the town near Kyiv find streets littered with corpses of civilians and burned-out Russian tanks
- Satellite images show bodies lay in Bucha for weeks, despite Russian claims - The New York Times, April 4, 2022 (archive)
- In Ukrainian street, a corpse with hands bound and a bullet wound to the head - Reuters, April 5, 2022
- Russians burned swastikas into victims’ bodies, raped girls as young as 10: reports - New York Post, April 5, 2022
- War Crimes Watch: A devastating walk through Bucha's horror - Cara Anna, AP, April 10, 2022
- Another Genocide: Bucha Joins Guernica and Babi Yar - Melvin Goodman, CounterPunch, April 12, 2022
- French forensic experts in Bucha to help Ukraine investigate possible war crimes - Alessandra Prentice, Reuters, April 12, 2022
Western NGOs
- https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/04/03/ukraine-apparent-war-crimes-russia-controlled-areas
- https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/04/ukraine-russias-cruel-siege-warfare-tactics-unlawfully-killing-civilians-new-testimony-and-investigation/
Russian media
- Video: Kiev Territorial Defence in Bucha Given Green Light to Shoot Those Not Wearing Blue Armband - Sputnik, April 3, 2022
- Civilians of Bucha were shot by the Nazis "Boatswain" - Alexander Kots, Komsomolskaya Pravda, April 4, 2022
- The shooting in Bucha was caught on video. Revealed what really happened in the suburbs of Kiev - Valentin Alfimov, Komsomolskaya Pravda, April 5, 2022
- Questions arise about death of pro-Russian ex-MP in Bucha - RT, April 12, 2022 (mirror)
- French Volunteer: I Witnessed Bucha Frame-Up - Sputnik, August 1, 2022 (archive)
- “I saw bodies of people on the sides of the streets, and at the same time I saw people's bodies being taken out of trucks and laid out next to the bodies lying on the ground to give the effect of mass killings,” Bocquet said.
Russian, Belarus officials
Lukashenko claims that Belarus services has intercepts showing role of Western intelligence (details not provided). Putin mentions seeing those documents. -- Lukashenko and Putin joint press conference, April 12, 2022
- See also Killing of Oleg Abramov
- Witness. Bucha. (04/2022) - English subtitles - via RuCz Subs, April 5, 2022
- Letter from Kiev: Ukrainian soldiers looted and killed people in Bucha for ten days - Regnum, April 8, 2022 (translation)
- Dozens of Bucha civilians were killed by metal darts from
Russianartillery - The Guardian, April 24, 2022 - Ukraine "Massacre" Result of Artillery Most likely Fired **by** Ukraine - The New Atlas, April 25, 2022 (video)
Killing the peace process
- Ex-Israeli PM Reveals 'Big Concessions' Putin, Zelensky Were Ready to Make Before West Killed Talks -Sputnik, February 5, 2023 (summary)
Bucha: More Lies- Gonzalo Lira, April 3, 2022 (video) - Update: "This video has been removed by the uploader"- Sitrep: Operation Z - Nightvision for the Saker Blog, April 3, 2022
- Why the "Buchan Massacre" is a fake - Alexander Kots, Komsomolskaya Pravda, April 3, 2022
- New witness testimony about Mariupol maternity hospital ‘airstrike’ follows pattern of Ukrainian deceptions, media malpractice - Kit Klarenberg, The Grayzone, April 3, 2022
- BUCHA MASSACRE? A UKRAINIAN FALSE FLAG? - Larry Johnson, April 3, 2022
- Massacre in Bucha? Deconstructing propaganda - 'Robin Westenra, Seemorerocks, April 3, 2022
- Fake news in Kiev heralds cruel April - M. K. Bhadrakumar, April 4, 2022
- Global lies over Bucha: How people’s minds are manipulated - War on Fakes, April 4, 2022
- The Bucha Provocation - Moon of Alabama, April 4, 2022
- The truth about Bucha is out there, but perhaps too inconvenient to be discovered - Scott Ritter, RT via SOTT, April 4, 2022
- Towards Understanding the Bucha Massacre - Adam Larson, Monitor on Massacre Marketing, April 4, 2022
- Civilians of Bucha were shot by the Nazis "Boatswain" - Alexander Kots, Komsomolskaya Pravda, April 4. 2022
- "Massacre in Bucha" was invented to start the genocide of Russians - Komsomolskaya Pravda, April 4. 2022
- A provocation from Ukrainian Bucha has opened a new Pandora's box. This fake could become a turning point, after which Russia will be turned into a pariah, Sergey Markov, director of the Institute of Political Studies, told KP
- UKRAINE – THE MASSACRE OF BUCHA, A UKRAINIAN TIMISOARA - Christelle Néant, Donbass Insider, April 4, 2022
- If we add up the 67 civilians buried in the mass grave, the 20 bodies in Yablonskaya Street, and the nine near and in the building where the Russian soldiers were stationed, we are a long way from the 410 bodies announced by the Ukrainian authorities.
- Who killed Oleg Abramov? - Petri Krohn, Monitor on Massacre Marketing, April 5, 2022
- Ukraine: ' Bucha Massacre ' - The Truth versus the Propaganda - Graham Phillips, April 5, 2022 (video)
- Bucha Proof of a Ukrainian Pogrom - George Eliason, April 5, 2022
- MSM's Bucha Tall Tale - Nick Griffin, Unz Review, April 5, 2022
- But there is one other big piece of evidence that did not appear–Social Media. I have yet to see a single reference to a social media post from Bucha dated between 30 March and 1 April that had a worried parent, spouse or sibling agonizing over a disappeared relative. Not one post about people being gunned down in the street by fleeing Russians. Not a word.
- Interview w/Scott Ritter, April 6, 2022, By Don DeBar - April 6, 2022 (video)
- What Happened in Bucha? What We Know and What We DON’T Know - Richard Medhurst, April 6, 2022 (video)
- The true importance of the Bucha false flag: a change of narrative - The Saker, April 6, 2022
- Bucha Hoax: Ukie Scum Now Blaming Russians for Swastika Carved Corpse in Azov Base - Andrew Anglin, Unz Review, April 6, 2022
- NYT Confirms Ukrainian Atrocities: Russians Killed in Same Manner as Recent “Massacre” - The New Atlas, April 7, 2022 (video)
- Bucha Massacre: Basement Executions in April - Adam Larson, Monitor on Massacre Marketing, April 8, 2022
- The Last Days Of Ukranazistan XV - Bill Purkayastha, April 8, 2022
- Earth Calling Karim Khan… No Response - Stephen Karganovic, Strategic Culture, April 12, 2022
- “Lies, truth, and forensics in Ukraine.” The case of Bucha. - Tony Kevin, The Scrum, April 16, 2022 (full archive)
- "War with fakes" (Rus, forwarded by Ru MoD), April 25, 2022, and quoting their earlier article, April 5, 2022
- Noted: external; their earlier article includes analysis of visuals; not verified here by lack of time and resources.
- Remember the Maine: The Alleged Russian Atrocity at Bucha Looks Like Another in a Long Line of False Pretexts for War - Jeremy Kuzmarov, CovertAction Magazine, May 13, 2022
- Ukraine War Day #282: Pope Says Racist Sh*t (concluded) - Awful Avalanche, December 2, 2022
See also
- Rozsypne Road of Death - 2014 massacre on Donbass