File talk:Trump rally Tampa.jpg

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The Tampons aren't known for being the brightest. I can't follow US politics now. I can't get motivated to issue a vote, now more than ever. I'm fairly sure Trump is just the paid puppet Hillary says he is - of her though, not Putin. What a sad state. The right picture is her holding him as a megaphone, taliking into his butt - from his moth, whoever's voice doesn't matter - "vote for me." Caption somehow TRUMPET (Trump + Puppet) and ?. Could it be? One last reality TV gig for the orange muppet and Hillary gets the biggest landslide victory since Reagan? After, Trump might die, or reprise the role as anti-Hillary Putin-troll allegedly behind any measures necessitated by the total breakdown of democracy. --Caustic Logic (talk) 13:36, 25 October 2016 (UTC)

IMO somewhat resembles one of those cataclysmic developments, Boris Yeltsin-USSR collapse, Boris Johnson -Brexit disaster. Long build-up of internal problems, emotionally appealing establishment figure running against the establishment. Not sure enough popular support here to actually win, but if he does, what's next is up in the air. There are strong emotions but zero of a workable plan. Leading to big changes before new ground is found. --Resup (talk) 15:36, 25 October 2016 (UTC)