File talk:McCain with ISIS leaders.jpg

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I see not a shred of evidence that al-Baghdadi is a "Mossad"/CIA/whatever agent, "born of Jewish parents", etc. On arrival, it sounds like an Iranian propaganda effort, or anyway a typical (in certain ecosystems) blaming exercise whereby a bad person has to be linked with some Jewish cause to make a stronger case for the broad consumption, and for the purpose to create a rumor that will just spread through folks as a brush fire just by itself. To save on time, this source has tried to chase up Veterans Today references and that came to nothing. Jews were airlifted by Israel out of Iraq in the 50's. Those who were left (said to be about 10 thousand) were those who converted, assimilated, intermarried, and anyway did not want to have anything to do with the state of Israel. Forward to our time, there said to be some 5 to 8 Jews in Iraq around 2008, and even less now. Him being one of them could not come unnoticed. Also, most importantly, declaring oneself a Khalif of the I.S. requires at least some degree of inner conviction, as well as daily routine of strictly following a version of Islamic teachings; and it is not really conceivable to do all that, for years, and leading numerous followers with you, without actually being all that, at least to some degree, as claimed. (For somebody Jewish to do even a fraction of any of that would require to stop being one). While the West did play a role, by creating conditions for IS to emerge, and looking the other way, and maybe occasionally even helping (like weapons, medicine, and propaganda), it was not, and did not have to be, in the form of implanting a super-acting super-agent changing natural flow of events with his mighty hand. Somebody needs to be on top, and no reason for somebody not to just raise from the ranks. --Resup (talk) 17:53, 17 November 2016 (UTC)

The interesting thing is that there was a real scandal about the McCain meeting pics, as two of the guys have been identified as kidnappers of some Lebanese women (details escape me right now). Petty criminals. And McCain was there to "vet" "moderates". Some vetting there. And then came the story with the alleged Daeshbagdaddy at the meeting, who to me looks at least a decade younger than the alleged Mossad agent and only somewhat similar, and of course with such a beard it is unclear how the "preaching" leader's face really looks. Disinfo to deflect from the fact that Mad McCain has supported the scum of the earth once again.
What is true though is that there's so little known about dear ISIS leader that he could as well be completely made up. --CE (talk) 19:05, 17 November 2016 (UTC)