File talk:K-Citymarket 13 March 2020.jpg

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I gather there's a rumor that having lots of toilet paper prevents contraction of coronavirus? Or that a lot of people are sure they'll get it, because they're morons? That was my thinking here in the states. Finns … I guess they'd only be so much smarter on average? --Caustic Logic (talk) 04:26, 15 March 2020 (UTC)

I hadn't been to my own local grocery store in several days. Just got back and it's the same here, Spokane Washington - toilet paper section empty end-to-end. Did people hear that all those companies were stopping production or delivery? That your next month's supply will be delayed a year? That this rush will last, as people rent whole new houses to stuff w/surplus paper? One thing to consider is the coming market is unused second-hand toilet paper. A lot of people all over with rooms stuffed full will be wanting to get back some of the money they needlessly spent. It's too low-rent to get rich off of, but any day now anyone with shortages should be able to buy it cheap off other neighbors, as soon as they realize the hoarding did nothing useful and they can only use so much. --Caustic Logic (talk) 14:44, 15 March 2020 (UTC)
Friends, I can report from NRW Germany that the schools are closed as of tomorrow but as of last night, toilet paper is available in the grocery store. I must admit though that I did some prepping this week: Bought a China cell phone that (was already here and) is now the most powerful computer I own, some batteries, 15 one-way lighters for barter (no kidding), stocked up on cash - but failed to buy a bottle of first-class Vodka. Had to resort to Ouzo. I blame Putin. --CE (talk) 15:38, 15 March 2020 (UTC)