File talk:August 2 Aleppo chlorine victim.jpg

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I've always been frustrated by a lack of what I think are relevant images of what serious chlorine exposure does to people. This despite being inundated with images of alleged chlorine victims. FINALLY, I think we have one, specified as an eventually fatal dose (even with medical help, there's still little they can do past a certain point). Chlorine indicators:

  • Eye damage: they're squeezed closed but appear puffy/swollen.
  • Skin burns: one strange square patch on his arm (something taped there, became sweaty beneath?) looks seriously burned as if with acid.
  • Breathing/Coughing/coughing blood: it's a photo, so no coughing observed. The device in his mough, I presume, is related to breathing, might be helping at the moment. But he's had blood out the nose and possibly the mouth earlier.
  • Cyanosis: present and pronounced in the whole upper body. He's halfway to grape purple.
  • Other: mud: after the worst of the chlorine reaction with water, additional water or mud or anything would be soothing (indirectly suggests general skin irritation)

This is in a government-held area, allegedly hit by chlorine fired by onetime US-supported "moderate" Islamists of Harakat NourEddin al-Zenki (see Alleged Chemical Attack, August 2, 2016)

Furthermore, in all the listed ways except breathing help and mud, this poor guy looks like an awful lot of the victims in the "Caesar photos" do. --Caustic Logic (talk) 12:18, 14 September 2016 (UTC)

I contacted Lama Khaly, the journalist credited, on Facebook. She confirms this is August 2, chlorine attack, and this firefighter is one of four people who died first. I asked about locations, waiting for an answer on that. --Caustic Logic (talk) 23:08, 15 September 2016 (UTC)